So this was an idea that I took from the Vocaloid wiki, but this is a place for you to post random stuff about your day.
Hmm, interesting. Last year I got a really nice desktop computer. As of this past week, it's not starting properly. Sometimes it gets stuck at a flashing white _ on a black screen. so it is a big worry... Other than that studying for finals are gonna kill me, orz. Never taking summer classes ever again!!! Especially not online, geh. Being in class in person lets me absorb at least some key information without doing anything. Online is like.. hell, you're on your own.
Gosh, online classes can be tough :c Good luck tho dorothy3242, I hope you can get thru with a good grade!!!!
well, i will play videogames (in special GTA online) all day. hahaha social club (PC): "cartman_zero" (in case someone is interested obviously )
Honestly? Far too many things on my mind to count these days lol...but yeah. I guess the thing on my mind recently has been myself wondering "are the efforts I'm doing in my life worth it when I barely see progress?"