Does anyone know what to do for the [イイネ!] trophy? It's the only one which is still missing for me. Trophy Details: イイネ! - Bronze Description: 称号「イイネ!」を獲得した Description on PSVita Wiki: 他の人のエディットをお気に入りにする Even with translator I'm not able to understand what to do and the description on our wiki for this trophy needs a small workover because "Play your favourite Edit Song" seems misleading.
Re: Trophy [イイネ!] help Okay thanks to ProjectDIVA.Fr on Twitter, I just got the trophy! Wiki edited. :)
Hello! I would like some help with the "Hobby: Watch Video"/趣味:動画鑑賞 trophy. Does it require me to watch both the PVs' endings or will either one do? And is there anyway to track which PVs you have already watched?
You only need to watch PVs via the Free Play menu. Just play a song that you haven't seen it because there are no trackings. Any one of endings will do.
The problem is I'm pretty sure I've watched them all but the trophy hasn't appeared. Thanks for the help, though! I'll keep trying! :)) The PVs don't have to all be watched on the same day, am I right?
no it doesn't. well you need to watch them all completely with ANY ending. it must be on the same savegame though.
For me, the title/trophy did not pop up until I finished a song after watching the last PV. did you do that?
well i spent about 1 hour to watch every PV from the beginning on and after watching the last one (the one with the 4 vocaloids), and going back to the main menu, i got the trophy and title.
Yeap! I've gotten the trophy(along with the Platinum trophy!!!). I just decided to watch everything from top to bottom again. Didn't realize the trophy would only show up after returning to the main menu though.