I feel like I need to say this; Why. This isn’t a queston with the hope for either an answer or response, just the thought of saying why and the use of why. Sometimes you need to say why when you make a decision to do or say something. An idea, A action, proposal, decision or choice of words can go horribly wrong if you don’t think of why, after saying yes or no. If you say yes or no to something, think as to why to take action or do the action in question. As to WHY I decided to make this thread is not to settle a score with certain people, announce something that derails the whole topic, like a recent personal experience or decision either good or bad, or something like that; I can talk about how that philosophy effected most if not all of my crazy ideas I shared here over the last year. I just wanted to get the thought out there for the heck of it, ‘cause why not? Have any “Food for Thought”? go ahead and share it.