I know you don't normally do a follow up thread but I just felt like doing so, plus I'm just so happy at this moment that I don't want it to fade without thanking those who helped me out. - - - - So I finally bit the bullet and watched the last episode of Chu-2 just in time before midnight, I love that show. I thought it was a perfect way to end the series. I really do hope they create another series in the future because I'd love to see that story continue on. Even if they don't that's fine, seeing it was more than enough for me. Normally I'm sad when such a good story ends but I loved this episode so much that I can't smile anymore because it hurts. And now I have officially watched every show I have wanted to see before the new year and eagerly anticipate the new queue I have set up for 2013! Thank you so much to Suyo *I need to build you a statue or something for suggesting Chu-2*, Almeria, Daverost and xingha for all your suggestions and helping me regain not only my sanity but getting me back into anime again. If there is anything I can do for any of you on here let me know. I'm not too sure what I can do but I'll make it happen one way or another. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!