Which do you find more stressful, technical zones, or chance time? I believe technical zones are more intense (for me at least) because you have to perfect them, not one safe. In chance time, you can get a couple safes, and maybe even a worst and still succeed. Following that, which song do you think has the most stressful technical zones/chance times? In Freely Tomorrow on extreme, the technical zone toward the end is hard for me because I have to swipe my finger really fast, only to get fines. :( In Sadistic Music Factory on extreme, chance time doesn't like me.
Most stressful song: Fire◎Flower Most stressful technical zone: NegaPosi Most stressful chance time: Himitsu Keisatsu
I have not tried much of the extreme songs so that will have to wait until I am ready to face their wrath. So far it's Weekender Girl for me... - The evil, evil swipe stars in the beginning of the song must die!!! - At the end of the first chorus, that one circle hold note that can never be a cool or fine... WHAT THE HELL. - Ughhhhhh, the timing and rhythm is not in sync on the second technical zone (EVEN ON NORMAL) which is so annoying... WHY DO YOU HATE ME, WEEKENDER GIRL??!!!
For me, the most stressful song I've ever play is World's End Dancehall because on the 2nd technical zone, I've only managed to complete the circle wheel and not the others. The most stressful song on timing is Fire◎Flower, on technical zone is Negaposi which I agree with Magical39 and stressful chance time is Secret Police as it was breaking my thumb on doing it. DX
Well, the hold notes + double note is too weird for me o_ô It's very rare, that I get both Cool lol... @Kaon: Weekender Girl timing is 2nd worst IMO XD It took very long to have less than 30 FINE there, haha. But still, Fire◎Flower timing = WUT U WANT?! Hmm when I rethink, I actually have also the most boring song ... which is FREELY TOMORROW unfortunately. I start to sleep during playing it sometimes, which is not good, lol.
Most stressful song: hachi hachi flowery battle of kagamines Most stressful technical zone: 2nd of sadistic Most stressful chance time: netoge haijin superkoor For secret police i did not even come close , so it's not that stressful :D
I'm not into highscores but: Most stressful song: Hachi-Hachi Most stressful technical: World's End Dancehall Most stressful chance time: Negaposi