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Post your playlist

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Darksidehearts, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Darksidehearts

    Darksidehearts A calm state of mind is proof of skill and mastery
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    Nov 13, 2012
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    Assistant Psychology Prof. at USF
    Rhode Island, United States
    I started to redo my mix CD's to change a few tracks around, and thought to myself "I wonder what is everyone else listening to?"

    Here is what's on my Luka Mix CD

    Here is what's on my Miku Mix CD

    *Anything .FLAC is from a CD I bought, anything else is either acquired via Nicosound, or Youtube MP3 download link. In general I don't like using a compressed version but you do what you can with what you have until you obtain better.*

    Alright, now for my obligatory "Post some unneeded background information even if someone didn't ask you for the story." part of my post.

    Typically I use my PSP to play music but more recently I got tired of fiddling with the audio cable in my car and just decided to burn the tracks to CD-RW's and call it a day, plus it's a safer option in the long run. I still use it for mobile use though, just not in the car. LightMP3 RC4 is the main program I use but as many know, FLAC while being playable can often be a bit touchy with the program if the CPU is not constantly adjusted right. Additionally if the display is turned off at the wrong moment the song may skip a lot. Finally the car's audio jack lacks in sound quality sometimes.

    The cable can be to blame as well but in all fairness the car's manual does specify that MP3 and WMA are best used in conjunction with your media device for quality output. I don't see my doing that if I don't have to. I always import them as FLAC files when I rip a CD so they retain quality. Eh, I prefer quality over compression. What can I say, I'm a bit of an audiophile.

    The major downside to my method is that only so many songs can be on one CD at a time.
    - - - -

    Well then, if you've made it this far in my post I thank you for taking the time to read it and would like you to also share how and what you use to listen to your music if you wouldn't mind. As a final note, what is your process for coming up with a playlist?

    What I usually do is balance each track in a way where each one leads into another in constant rhythm. What affects my decision is based on my feelings or particular mood. It usually takes me about an hour or so to make a final mix that I'm happy with.
  2. kaiki

    kaiki Sweet-Tooth Gamer

    Aug 1, 2012
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    i have no exact preference of my playlist as long as they are good songs.....

    But when it's a special event (like birthday), i'll combined birthday-feel songs i've downloaded in NND and youtube into a folder and play this the whole day:

    Right now i'm trying to made a X'mas folder mix for this year.....maybe i'll show it when i'm done?

    Attached Files:

  3. Darksidehearts

    Darksidehearts A calm state of mind is proof of skill and mastery
    Staff Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Assistant Psychology Prof. at USF
    Rhode Island, United States
    I'd certainly like to see what results you have for the that mix. Holiday mixes are always kind of tough for me to put together because I can't find many Christmas songs that I'd want to hear more than once. *2006 is to blame for that but that's a story for another time.* I used to make some mixes depending on the time of day.

    - Midnight mix, I would put songs that were somewhat calming and somber for that hour of night. Just enough to keep you awake on the ride home.

    - Morning mix was just songs that would wake you up either by volume or intensity.

    - Daytime mix was a multitude of songs that would fit for any specific moment just for enjoyment.

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