I AM HAPPY... BUT UNHAPPY TOO!! So in fact ... ODDS&ENDS is the first Opening Song in Project DIVA f, which is not using the full version? D: NUUU. Anyway ... I am so happy I can finally hear the full version :) But ... there will be again Copyrights problems with Sony Music, or? ._. (wants to map the full version on Taiko now but dunno if uploading works ... Sekiranun Graffiti is not affected 'yet')
~Sorry, this is not allowed on this forum... This PV is really awesome and touching. It can easily beat any other crappy mainstream music video that is on MTV or VH1 now-a-days. Thumbs up if you agree!
ODDS & ENDS Full Song Video. Saw this posted on MikuDB and thought I'd share. http://www.nicozon.net/player.html?video_id=sm18592204 If anyone wants the audio track let me know and I'll send you a link I don't want to post it on the forums because I don't know what the forum policies are on file sharing.
Stickied the topic due to duplicates being made. Please keep the discussion of the video to this thread. =) The video is fantastic and makes me want the game even more. :P Miku's voice is perfect for the song too.
Re: ODDS & ENDS Full Song Video. I've merged the two topics, it was not necessary to have two for the same thing. So, Tsukasa117, thank you for posting this, i prefer to have twice the information than none, and about some links, since the questions about the rights and laws on the internet are complicated, all i can say is : if it's only a song available everywhere on the internet (youtube and so on...), there are tons of software that can extract the sound from a video. For me you can post it. But if it's something bigger (full CDs, games), just said "you will find something on a website called XXXXX.xx". this is MY point of view, only.