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Music Video Connections?: God-Tier Tune and *Hello, Planet

Discussion in 'Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA ƒ & Project DIVA F' started by Cartrr, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. Cartrr

    Cartrr Big Debut

    Sep 29, 2013
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    I wrote this on GameFaq's but I'm going to write it here too.

    I wonder if God-Tier Tune's music video is linked to Project Diva Extend's *Hello, Planet music video? I don't mean this song is the sequel to *Hello, Planet because they are 2 different songs by 2 different people about 2 different things. But if you compared to Sega's videos, the music videos are quite similar in terms of storyline. (Besides, Miku dies in *Hello, Planet originally.)

    Project Diva Extend's *Hello, Planet

    Here are the similarities.

    1. Both takes place in a desolate Earth.
    2. The re-generation pods. Miku is woken up in a re-generation pod in both songs. Although she wakes up in space in *Hello, Planet, there's a broken pod down on Earth later in the music video. There's a small chance there is a working pod somewhere else or she may have fixed the broken pod.
    3. Both pods are found near the same place of grayish, ruins of collapsed buildings.
    4. Miku flies in both songs (except in *Hello, Planet she just floats upwards).
    5. The potted plant.

    This wouldn't be the first time that 2 unrelated songs has similar storylines between 2 Project Diva games. For example, from Y to Y from Project Diva 2nd and Starduster from Project Diva Extend.

    So does theory have any merit?
  2. Dyspnia

    Dyspnia Retired cDLC Creator

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Re: Music Video Connections?: God-Tier Tune and *Hello, Plan

    Well I feel as if they're just similar as a coincidence, although they may have put in some ideas from Hello* into Divine Comedy.

    When it comes to something like Starduster and from Y to Y, Starduster is clearly related. The songs are by the same person (JimmyThumb-P) and have a continuing storyline (WHICH IS THE SADDEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! I CAN'T HOLD BACK MY TEARS AFTER SEEING BOTH SONGS CONSECUTIVELY).

    When it comes to PV making, sometimes things just might get similar. For example, I feel like NegaPosi*Continues is pretty similar to Two-Faced Lovers in rhythm and PV design.
  3. Cartrr

    Cartrr Big Debut

    Sep 29, 2013
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    Re: Music Video Connections?: God-Tier Tune and *Hello, Plan

    Well I let from Y to Y and starduster slide since they're by the same person.

    But there's just quite a lot of similarities going on.
    I think comparing Negaposi and Two-Faced is a different situation because those a similar styled PVs, but what I'm saying that God-Tier Tune/Divine Comedy/God Song/whatever you call that song seems to be a continuation of *Hello, Planet's storyline. The only thing that separates the two is what happened to the person who was with Miku in *Hello, Planet and the chibis.

    I mean I guess it's just a theory and a coincidence, but I definitely see the two storylines connecting.
    *Hello, Planet's storyline
    Miku was spending days on Earth with her friend until one day the Earth's environment was unstable to support life. Miku and her friend was then sent into space with a potted plant hoping to make the Earth sustainable for life again. [I believe her friend was with Miku because there were 2 pods when Miku woke up and Miku was looking at another person that was off camera in another scene] She was put in a pod until she was needed.

    However, Miku woke up from her pod one day and looked down at the remains of the Earth. Miku's friend walked up to her to join her at this moment. Sometime later, Miku's friend went back down to Earth in a spaceship with a pod. Miku went back to her pod.

    One day, her pod opened and she received a message from her friend down at Earth. Miku decided it was her time to go back down to Earth with the potted plant. She went down to Earth and saw the disasters of the environment and tried to protect the potted plant from the Earth's havoc weather. She came across ruins of buildings and a wrecked spaceship belonging to her friend. She wanted to know her friend was still alive. She opened the doors to the spaceship, but what she found was a broken pod. Unable to be protected from the Earth's current state and the broken shards of the pod, Miku realized that her friend is no longer alive and cries. She then floats upwards and remembered some memories of her friend. Then Miku went back down laying on the pod of her friend while still holding the potted plant.

    In between songs
    Miku's body cannot survive in the Earth's condition if she stayed out any longer. Realizing she may not have time to refertilize the Earth, she brought out 4 pods containing chibis who could survive the Earth's conditions to continue the mission. She programmed one pod to activate a specific time and left the seeds of the potted plant nearby. Miku went to a pod, or possibly her pod, and programmed it to put her in a stasis and not release her until the Earth's condition was stable enough.

    God-Tier Tune
    Some time has passed and the programmed chibi pod opened. She woke and looked over the situation. Knowing what her mission was, she activated the other three pods. All four of them worked together to make the Earth habitable again and keeping track of Miku's pod for the Earth's current situation for fertility. They cared for the plants and stood against the harsh conditions of the ruined Earth. Just when things looked like they are getting better, all the plants died. The chibis cried. However, their tears brought back life to the plants making it just enough for Miku's pod to reactivate. At this point, Miku joins the chibis and flies with them while spreading life all around the globe.

    There are inconsistent things in between the two such as the chibis, the off camera person, the pod designs, and the space station. I don't know. I just like to think that the two are similar because to me, the storyline does seem to flow between the two. It may be a coincidence, but this is how I interpret them.
  4. Dyspnia

    Dyspnia Retired cDLC Creator

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Re: Music Video Connections?: God-Tier Tune and *Hello, Plan

    Your theory is pretty great, and there's no way to prove it's "wrong" so it's fun having these.
    It's just a bit different to me as in Hello*, Miku is a robot and in Divine, she's portrayed as a god of some kind.

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