UPDATE: The english version was released! viewtopic.php?f=24&t=177&p=1255#p1255 SEGA just announced a Project Diva spin-off for iPhone: MikuFlick But the awkward thing is that the main feature of the game is to guess out the Japanese characters for the lyrics of a song. Making overseas players hard to understand (maybe memorize them in Project Diva games?). Available for iPhone (4, 4S, 4th gen Touch) this March 9, 2012 for 1,200 Yen. [Also compatible with iPad 1&2] Source: http://miku.sega.jp/flick
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) Holy crap, that's not what I expected. When I first heard about a mobile version, I expected something along the lines of osu!, but not like this. Actually it is more like Taiko no Tatsujin, except you have 10 drums. Obviously no problem for Japanese who grew up with these - for overseas players it's more ofa Hiragana Learning Game, I guess - but I won't be able to play this anyways since I belong to Android. Woo, open platforms!
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) Well, that was pretty unexpected... It's great but I'm afraid the game won't be playable if you don't speak Japanese. A little correction, Miku Fluck won't work on "old" iDevices like iPhone 3G, 3GS and iPod Touch 1st to 3rd Gen.
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) The only chance to play it is to hav enough hiragana/katakana lyrics memorized. for me for example i could only play poppipo and ai kotoba.
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) Looky here, a trailer! I guess, these arrows may be come in handy.....
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) English version in the work, awesome! Plus, we have the song list here. 12 songs, and more to come (who said DLC ?).
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) The game is out on the Japanese AppStore : http://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/mikufuri ... 98602?mt=8
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) I bet some of you are jealous just because they're making an English version of MikuFlick, and not Project Mirai...
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) well MikuFlick is a "download only" game, it has no physical version like an UMD or a module. so the chance of an english version is much higher than translating Project DIVA or Mirai. if they'd release UMDs and mudules with the game then it would cost a lot for SEGA. they would need to sell a specific amount of the game in the countries where they release the game but countries outside of japan aren't really the best candidates for music-rhytm-games. a "download only" game doesn't really cause additional costs to SEGA. the only chance we have is to download the english game version of mikuflick a lot, so SEGA can see that there are a lot of miku fans who support their games. that could be a chance to make them release an english version of project diva / mirai, but then maybe only for "Project MMT" (Vita) and maybe a "Project Mirai 2nd" for 3DS once english miku is released to include english songs in the games.
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) I just knew that Break The Limit mode is actually, doing every Kanji characters in the lyrics.
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) SEGA released a new video about Miku Flick. You can see a lot of gameplay sequences on YouTube. Hope we will see the English version soon, the game has a very high number of good reviews on the AppStore.
Re: Miku Flick (Project Diva iOS) The official website is now in English ! http://miku.sega.jp/flick/en/ First English screens, we will be able to change the keyboard (original, full roman or roman support) :