So I have recently encountered a rather large issue with my game. After an attempt to download a piapro song file for an edit, my game unexpectedly froze on me, and after an attempt to restart the game, the system data would load successfully, but would freeze immediately after when it attempted to load cross save data, making it impossible for me to even get to the main menu. I found I was able to get past the freeze by disabling my PS3's connection to the internet and then disabling my cross save feature, and re-enabling internet. About an hour later, I was able to determine that the issue was not my cross save, but rather the network inside the game itself. So basically, tl;dr: My long term issue is that i am now unable to let my game connect to the network in any way (searching for edit data, cross saving, etc.) without getting an instafreeze to my system. This is a major issue for me because 1. I rely on cross save in case some drastic accident happens to befall my system data (which has already happened once when I accidentally deleted it) so that I can reload all my main data safely. 2. the more important of the two, I am no longer able to download any edit songs to play (I am a major edit player). If anyone has a suggestion or solution for me, it would be greatly appreciated.
(That's a pretty long tl;dr xD) I have no clue what's going on with your game but have you tried to see if it happens if you start up a new save file? Also, did you do anything different or unusual before downloading the Piapro song which may have caused the issue?
I was able to start up a new file just fine, went to go download a new edit to test out, and got the same issue as last time when i went to go download mp3. now the whole network doesn't work for this file either.
Out of curiosity, and this may sound like a stupid question but can any other games on your PS3 connect to their databases?
That idea came to mind, the only other games I have are black ops and the original westernized F, and they're able to connect to psn just fine, as well as my PSN account itself. it's only when i try to access it from within game. Also, tried it again with a third save file: got the exact same result, fine until i tried to download mp3. It must be something with piapro, i'd think, that is corrupting my save somehow.
I'm at a loss, only thing I can think of is to copy your save file on a thumbdrive or something, then delete it off of your ps3 (as well as the newly made ones) and see if making a new save will work.
Things just keep getting more confusing... Made a new save file, and i'm able to search for edits just fine, but cross save freezes it. Seems like half the time one thing or another freezes it, and eventually nothing works. So basically at this point i'm reduced to creating a new save file to download edits, and then using the old fashioned way of downloading the mp3 and transferring it over with a USB to play. And no cross saving.
Actually, turns out edits i play that have a piapro attached to them that i play with a normal mp3 without downloading freeze at the end of the song, before results screen. #nomoreedits
Update: Game is fixed now after i copied system data and edits and cleared all the install data from the system and re-installed it.