There doesn't seem to be a wiki page for this yet, so here's a list of all the titles I've gotten so far. I'm still missing a few though, so other people are going to have to fill in the gaps. I know I'm missing ones for getting a gold clear on all the missions, seeing all the room events, getting a PERFECT on all the extreme songs, and getting all other titles, and I'm sure there's at least one for messing around in live edit mode, but there are a few that I really have no what they are. (also I know some of the translated names are lame, I'd rather get the list up here now and come up with better names later). I should note I used the English names from previous NA releases whenever applicable, since the English release of X will probably do the same. Spoiler 1) デビュー/Big Debut/Started the game 2)ようこそ、DIVAへ!/Welcome to DIVA!/Cleared the tutorial 3)ニュートラルのはじまり/Neutral Start/Earned voltage in the Neutral Area 4)キュートのはじまり/Cute Start/Earned voltage in the Cute Area 5)クールのはじまり/Cool Start/Earned voltage in the Cool Area 6)ビューティーのはじまりBeauty Start/Earned voltage in the Beauty Area 7)カオスのはじまり/Chaos Start/Earned voltage in the Chaos Area. 8)はじめてのスペシャルライブ/First Special Concert/Cleared the "First Special Concert" quest 9)rライブ音源/Concert Sounds/Play every song in Special Concert quests 10)ライブクリア/Concert Clear/Cleard every area quest 11)クリスタルのひらめき/Glittering Crystals/Completely filled one crystal in each area 12)クリスタルのきらめき/Glimmering Crystals/Completely filled two crystals in each area 13)クリスタルのゆらめき/Flickering Crystals/Completely filled three crystals in each area 14)クリスタルのときめき/Fluttering (Shimmering?) Crystals/Completely filled four crystals in each area 15)クリスタルのささやき/Secret (Glistening?) Crystals/Completely filled five crystals in each area 16)クリスタルのまたたき/Twinkling Crystals/Completely filled six crystalns in each area 17)クリスタルのかがやき/Brilliant Crystals/Completely filled seven crystals in each area 18)エリア踏破/Area Traveler (Frequent Flyer, maybe?)/Cleared all area quests 19)??? (presumably gold clear all quests) 20)ミッションが好き/I Love Missions/Cleared ten event quests 21)ミッションコンプリート/Mission Complete/Cleared all event quests 22)100万ボルテージ/One Million Voltage/Earned a total of 1,000,000 voltage 23)1000万ボルテージ/Ten Million Voltage/Earned a total of 1,000,000 voltage 24)1億ボルテージ/One Hundred Million Voltage/Earned a total of 100,000,000 voltage 25)??? (possibly more voltage) 26)??? (possibly even more voltage) 27)最高潮/Climax/Earned a 500% voltage rate or higher 28)39ボルテージ/39 Voltage/Earned a voltage rate that has the number 39 in it. 29)みなぎってきた/Overflowing/Earn five items from a single song 30)ミリオンボルテージ/Voltage Millionaire/Earned 1,000,000 voltage in one play (can be done with the special lives) 31)素敵な着こなし/Well Dressed/Played a song with four matching accessories 32)??? 33)着の身着のまま/Nothing but the Clothes on my Back/Played a song without any accessories of that song's element 34)??? 35)トータルコーデ/Total Coordination/Played a song with a module and four accessories of that song's element (the accessories don't have to match) 36)初級プレイヤー/Newbie Player/Cleared all songs on EASY 37)中級プレイヤー/Intermediate Player/Cleared all songs on NORMAL 38)上級プレイヤー/Advanced Player/Cleared all songs on HARD 39)超級プレイヤー/Pro Player/Cleared all songs on EXTREME 40)私の歌姫/My Idol/Cleared all songs on EASY with a PERFECT rank 41)我の家の歌姫/Our Idol/Cleared all songs on NORMAL with a PERFECT rank 42)みんなのうた姫/Everyone's Idol/Cleared all songs on HARD with a PERFECT rank 43)時空の歌姫/Idol of the Multiverse/Cleared all songs on EXTREME with a PERFECT rank 44)映像監督/Cinema Snob/Watched all PVs in Free Play mode 45)チャレンジャー/Challenger/Passed a song in Free Play mode with three challenge items 46)39連射/Rapid-Fire 39/Got higher than a 39 on a Rush Note 47)ボルテージあがりまくり/Accumulated Voltage/Hit a total of 3939 Voltage Up notes 48)??? 49)はじめてのぱーふぇくと/My First Perfect/Cleared a song with a PERFECT rank 50)はじめてのみすていく/My First Drop Out/Got your first MISS X TAKE 51)はじめてのちーぷ/Aww, So Close/Got your first CHEAP 52)??? 53)I ♡ MIKU/I ♡ Miku/Cleared 100 songs with Miku 54)I ♡ RIN/I ♡ Rin/Cleared 100 songs with Rin 55)I ♡ LEN/I ♡ Len/Cleared 100 songs with Len 56)I ♡ LUKA/I ♡ Luka/Cleared 100 songs with Luka 57)I ♡ KAITO/I ♡ KAITO/Cleared 100 songs with KAITO 58)MEIKO親衛隊/Meiko's Entourage/Cleared 100 songs with MEIKO 59)コアゲーマー/Core Gamer/Play the rhythm game 500 times 60)行雲流水/Floating With the Tide/Used Neutral modules 100 times 61)天真爛漫/Innocence/Used Cute modules 100 times 62)冷静沈着/Calm, Cool, and Collected/Used Cool modules 100 times 63)容姿端麗/Attractive Face and Figure/Used Beauty modules 100 times 64)唯一無二/One of a Kind/Used Chaos modules 100 times 65)からぶり/All in Vain/Missed the Chance Time star in Live Quest mode 66)灰かぶりCinderella/Passed Chance Time in Live Quest mode but failed the quest 67)残念ながらSAFEでした/Unfortunate SAFE/Cleared a song with 1 SAFE away from PERFECT rank 68)最後の最後でSAFEでした/Really Unfortunate SAFE/Ended an otherwise perfect song with a SAFE as the last note 69)39ゲット!/39 Get!/Cleared a song with exactly 39 COOL, FINE, SAFE, SAD, or WORST 70)??? 71)ミククラスタ/Miku's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with Miku 72)リンクラスタ/Rin's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with Rin 73)レンクラスタ/Len's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with Len 74)ルカクラスタ/Luka's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with Luka 75)KAITOクラスタ/KAITO's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with KAITO 76)MEIKOクラスタ/MEIKO's BFF/Reach maximum affinity with MEIKO 77)貢ぎの達人/Present Expert/Gave the best possible present in response to a request 78)??? 79)パートナーはキミ/You're my Partner/Changed modules 10 times in the home menu 80)おもてなし軍曹/Hospitality Sergeant/Gave a total of 50 presents 81)??? 82)フォトグラファー/Photographer/Took a total of 10 portraits 83)ミクのクローゼット/Miku's Closet/Used all of Miku's modules at least once 84)リンのコンパクト/Rin's Trunk/Used all of Rin's modules at least once 85)レンのチェスト/Len's Locker/Used all of Len's modules at least once 86)ルカのドレッサー/Luka's Dresser/Used all of Luka's modules at least once 87)KAITOのハンガー/Kaito's Wardrobe/Used all of KAITO's modules at least once 88)MEIKOのパウダールーム/Meiko's Boudoir/Used all of MEIKO's modules at least once 89)??? 90)??? 91)ステージマスター/Stage Master/Unlocked all stages 92)ルームマスター/Room Master/Unlocked all room themes 93)プレゼントマスター/Present Master/Unlocked all presents 94)??? (presumably Event Master?) 95)イラストマスター/Illustration Master/Unlocked all illustrations 96)24時間戦いました/A Day in the Life/Play time reached 24 hours 97)DIVA一筋!/Diva Binge!/Play time reached 100 hours 98)クリアおめでとう!/Hey, You Win!/Watched the staff credits 99)俺たちの戦いはこれからだ/Renown/Earned 50 titles 100)称号マスター/Title Master/Earned all other titles
No problem! I think once all the wiki pages are made, people will start filling them in. Is there anything I can do to help?
My Pjd X is chinese version, so i can only tell you how to get on some of the ??? i had unlock. :) 9) on the special concert mode , played all songs at least once. 29) In quest mode, get 5 gifts/accessories in one go (achieved only when you play extreme mode, and get the rainbow bar. Easiest way would be an extreme mode song that you can play in excellent/ perfect score) 81) you have to d/l live edit from PSN, start on the edit (you can use the sample edit) and return to home page to get this title. 94) Play all hard mode in the quest area to unlock the pictures for the album. Hope that helps a bit..... ^^;;;
Great, I'll add what I can to the list! I'm never going to be able to get the live edit title though, I'm connected to the US store^^' And I think I miscounted the titles, I'll have to fix that.
Added list to the wiki. Also took over some translations from the trophy list for the "Get X crystals in each area" titles. Added Event Master as #94 to implement the last golden trophy symbol to the list. If #94 is not correct, I'll move it to the correct line then.
Spoiler Hi, I've just unlocked #32 title (研究の成果) which requires using all accessory combinations (you'll need to clear a song when equipped each one as well). List of accessory combinations can be found here As for #25, I've reached 390 millions of voltage now and the title didn't pop up. So it needs 1,000 millions...? :<