[c]{-260-} I broke my 3DS awhile back but have since repaired it, why is it that Nintendo devices break down so quickly? [/c]
261 Thanks for writing in katakana BaseNumbers, since I'm about to study Japanese at University and my weak point thus far is katakana. Though I'd say when writing English using katakana some words are written differently like "bad" becomes "baddo" (bazu would rather spell... bath? or something similar) and I'm not sure how to write "write" but "raito" is "light" :3 (hm, seems like Google Translate thinks it's called "raito", I guess I have nothing to argue with it against though I generally don't trust translation pages) It's tricky figuring out how a words should be spelled though and I find it really hard to read katakana and figure out which word it's supposed to be, I get right only about 10% of the time.
Hai trăm sáu mươi hai ヨル ウェルカム アイ ゲス アイム ジャス メイキン ヂス アプ アス アイ ゴ アロン ソ ワテヴァ~ You're welcome I guess I'm just making this up as I go along so whatever~
[c] /__-267-__\ \------------/ || || || || _[_||_]_ \______/ It is supposed to be a lamp...I suck at text art[/c]
[c]-270- When all else fails, use your best judgment. If that should fail, just follow your heart. If that should fail, rely on someone else for help. If that should fail...well then you might consider giving up. Now, should that fail....[/c]
[c]-274- Seedot is alright, not my favourite to use. Evolving it to Shiftry makes up for it though. I haven't caught one in Heartgold yet, since I have a 3DS and traded in both my DSLite and DSI, I cannot use the Pal Park to get any of my Gen III pokemon in that game. I do have one in White version though, haven't evolved it to Shiftry yet because I do not have a leaf stone.[/c]
二百七十五 My Mandarin class is learning colors today MEIKO YOUR ARM LOOKS TERRIBLE I'M SORRY (We didn't learn pink yet but I needed to complete it lol)
[c]-279- It's been a bit of time now hasn't it? I shall now continue my own game...in song!...not really...[/c]