OK, We all know when Project Diva F 2nd will be coming out, and that the Americana module is free with pre-orders. I was however wondering about a certain feature of Project Diva F 2nd that might be part of why it's Late Fall (November, almost Winter FFS) rather than out in a couple of weeks... Right now, piapro.jp has no English upload site for use with the Edit Mode of Project Diva F 2nd US/EU. It might be pulling at straws, SEGA could also have a DLC schedule for all the DLC, and has been working on having said DLC ALSO included in the 'most songs will have English subtitles' promise, effectively still negotiating on lyrics until the last minute on songs like Sekiranun Graffiti. However, the fact every copy of F 2nd in Japan is encouraged to be signed up to piapro might just be why the game is almost missing it's release window...