It must've took quite a while to put the last 3 pages of scores in o.O Thanks, I'll be trying to get everyone's scores onto the tables faster now to stop them building up again :P I'm not too good, you're managing to take back my scores and I still haven't come close to taking back Tell Your World again xD EDIT: Oh right, those 3 scores from yesterday.. Nostalogic (Extreme): 448810 Spoiler Fire Flower (Extreme): 473660 Spoiler Nostalogic (Normal): 323280 Spoiler BEATEN: greaterbadass (473000) on Fire◎Flower: EXTREME REVENGE x1! greaterbadass (321640) on Nostalogic: NORMAL REVENGE x1! greaterbadass (448200) on Nostalogic: EXTREME REVENGE x1! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll just throw this up here. Still can't touch Tell Your World/Tokyo Teddy Bear ¬_¬ Sweet Devil (Extreme): 531980 Spoiler BEATEN: hakumeiii (528670) on Sweet Devil: EXTREME REVENGE x1!
Here's another one fresh off the grill. I think I might need a bit of a break from high score hunting, I've got a few poor neglected games here that need me right now. The MMORPG Addict's National Anthem (Extreme): 650430 Spoiler BEATEN: donosean (649050) on Online Game Addicts Sprechchor: EXTREME
Yeah, chance time is mean.. still not there yet with this good count. Spoiler Give it a few days, I'll figure it out..I hope xD EDIT: Scores! Just..not TYW or MMORPG Addict's Anthem. Those are some damn hard scores to beat, guys :P Tokyo Teddy Bear (Extreme): 542290 Spoiler Melancholic (Extreme): 551050 Spoiler DYE (Extreme): 582640 Spoiler ACUTE (Extreme): 474550 Spoiler BEATEN: Own Score (550430) on Melancholic: EXTREME Own Score (578430) on DYE: EXTREME Koushiro3 (474050) on ACUTE: EXTREME greaterbadass (541890) on Tokyo Teddybear: EXTREME REVENGE x1! EDIT: Boop, Melancholic again. Melancholic (Extreme): 552750 Spoiler BEATEN: Own Score (551050) on Melancholic: EXTREME EDIT: ....too many edits ;~; Unhappy Refrain (Extreme): 789110 Spoiler BEATEN: Own Score (787160) on Unhappy Refrain: EXTREME
Alright, in-between playing xillia and more xillia, I managed to get some scores... Tell Your World (Easy): 239100 Spoiler Tell Your World (Normal): 359500 Spoiler Tell Your World (Hard): 413310 Spoiler ITS ALL MINE!!!!!!!!! Spoiler I swear to god, Teepo made me do it. BEATEN: infinity (236400) on Tell Your World: EASY donosean (354700) on Tell Your World: NORMAL donosean (409460) on Tell Your World: HARD
Bi-weekly score bump. Ashes to Ashes (Extreme): 465640 Spoiler Fire◎Flower (Extreme): 476270 Spoiler BEATEN: donosean (473660) on Fire◎Flower: EXTREME donosean (464480) on Ashes to Ashes: EXTREME
Hmm, those two took a few tries to get back ¬_¬ And a few more improvements on own records. ACUTE (Hard): 413860 Spoiler Stay With Me (Extreme): 397360 Spoiler Melancholic (Extreme): 553890 Spoiler Ashes to Ashes (Exteme): 466280 Spoiler Fire Flower (Extreme): 478350 Spoiler BEATEN: Own Score (552750) on Melancholic: EXTREME hakumeiii (476270) on Fire◎Flower: EXTREME REVENGE x1! Own Score (412640) on ACUTE: HARD Own Score (394450) on Stay With Me: EXTREME hakumeiii (465640) on Ashes to Ashes: EXTREME REVENGE x1!
I just feel awkward getting this one... ...nonetheless, it is my favourite song off Diva F, so i'll take it with 50 points to spare. World's End Umbrella (Extreme): 594090 Spoiler BEATEN: ReChii (594040) on WORLD'S END UMBRELLA: EXTREME
One score taken, one score upped. God-Tier Tune (Extreme): 469010 Spoiler World's End Umbrella (Extreme): 595700 Spoiler BEATEN: hakumeiii (594090) on WORLD'S END UMBRELLA: EXTREME Own Score (464000) on The Divine Comedy: EXTREME
1 litre of coffee, 1 broken controller and a few hours of a local public holiday later... World's End Umbrella (Extreme): 596040 Spoiler it's always the little end bit with the tempo change that gets me down a few cools -.- Tengaku (Extreme): 455260 Spoiler Tokyo Teddybear (Extreme): 542430 Spoiler Spoiler R.I.P controller #2 I'll miss you ;_; BEATEN: donosean (595700) on WORLD'S END UMBRELLA: EXTREME REVENGE x1! donosean (455210) on Music Of Heavens: EXTREME donosean (542290) on Tokyo Teddybear: EXTREME
I can't even come within 10k of my old score for World's End Umbrella now for some reason, and I don't think I ever want to play Tokyo Teddy Bear again, so here are a few other scores xD Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! (Extreme): 654810 Spoiler Cat Food (Extreme): 563760 Spoiler Secret Police (Extreme): 642460 Spoiler Tengaku (Extreme): 456020 Spoiler BEATEN: ReChii (563700) on Cat Food: EXTREME Reyvateil (641810) on Secret Police: EXTREME Own Score (651140) on Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!: EXTREME hakumeiii (455260) on Music Of Heavens: EXTREME REVENGE x1!
I will probably never beat this score, ever. Secret Police is the bane of my existence for some reason (x_x;) Odds & Ends (Hard): 545320 Spoiler chance time power... Continuing Dream (Hard): 434830 Spoiler Hm? Ah, Yes. (Hard): 396310 Spoiler Unhappy Refrain (Extreme): 792730 Spoiler Just slowly making my way through perfecting all the songs on all difficulties now. I can nearly taste 100% titles, nearly... BEATEN: donosean (391640) on What? Ah, Yes.: HARD donosean (789110) on Unhappy Refrain: EXTREME donosean (543330) on ODDS&ENDS: HARD donosean (434050) on Continuation Of Dreams: HARD
..I was planning on studying for exams and playing some Borderlands 2 today, but I can't leave these scores like this ¬_¬ *commences button mashing* EDIT: Yay, scores! Odds & Ends (Hard): 545470 Spoiler Hm? Ah, Yes. (Hard): 396670 Spoiler Continuing Dream (Hard): 436690 Spoiler Unhappy Refrain (Extreme): 794410 Spoiler Tell Your World (Normal): 361720 Spoiler Tell Your World (Hard): 413530 Spoiler Glasses (Normal): 276690 Spoiler World's End Umbrella (Normal): 356620 Spoiler ACUTE (Normal): 341200 Spoiler BEATEN: Own Score (337750) on ACUTE: NORMAL hakumeiii (396310) on What? Ah, Yes.: HARD REVENGE x1! infinity (355050) on WORLD'S END UMBRELLA: NORMAL infinity (273150) on Glasses: NORMAL hakumeiii (792730) on Unhappy Refrain: EXTREME REVENGE x1! hakumeiii (545320) on ODDS&ENDS: HARD REVENGE x1! hakumeiii (434830) on Continuation Of Dreams: HARD REVENGE x1! hakumeiii (359500) on Tell Your World: NORMAL REVENGE x1! hakumeiii (413310) on Tell Your World: HARD REVENGE x1!
Not too fast, twinkle toes :P Tell Your World (Normal): 362880 Spoiler Tell Your World (Hard): 416530 Spoiler BEATEN: donosean (361720) on Tell Your World: NORMAL REVENGE x2! donosean (413530) on Tell Your World: HARD REVENGE x2! EDIT: Edit. What Do You Mean? (Extreme): 550240 Spoiler Jesus christ this song is stuck in my head now, and only after like 3 plays, DOUIU KOTONANO DOUIU KOTONANO... Tengaku (Extreme): 456310 Spoiler Unhappy Refrain (Extreme): 794520 Spoiler BEATEN: donosean (549890) on What Do You Mean!?: EXTREME donosean (794410) on Unhappy Refrain: EXTREME REVENGE x2! donosean (456020) on Music Of Heavens: EXTREME REVENGE x2!
Bleh, I'll work on Hard/Extreme scores later.. Weekender Girl (Normal): 342670 Spoiler DYE (Normal): 386230 Spoiler Fire Flower (Normal): 361220 (lel 39) Spoiler Monochrome Blue Sky (Normal): 330420 Spoiler BEATEN: GospelEXE (341720) on Weekender Girl: NORMAL GospelEXE (381920) on DYE: NORMAL GospelEXE (357650) on Fire◎Flower: NORMAL infinity (325340) on Monochrome ∞ Blue Sky: NORMAL
Let me brush off the cobwebs a little Tokyo Teddybear (Extreme): 544650 Spoiler Odds&Ends (Extreme): 632340 Spoiler Now you know whats sitting right next to me when rin isn't... Schools slowing stuff down here seriously x.x BEATEN: donosean (629280) on ODDS&ENDS: EXTREME Own Score (542430) on Tokyo Teddybear: EXTREME
よくできました on getting Tokyo Teddy Bear up, it's probably one of my least favourite songs to time after taking so long to revenge Hard a while ago. I've got a few scores from a week or so ago but haven't been around a computer, I'll throw them up soon.
Oh wow, you guys seem to have been seriously busy... I see all but 1 of my scores taken down (then again most of them were only a couple quick attempts, not too much back and forth). You should get 100% titles too so I won't be the only God-Tier Diva on here :P Best of luck if you attempt to beat my Summer Idol Extreme score, that's probably the only song I played well over 100 times (to get max diva points, as well as the low FINE count). :) Less than 2 weeks away until F 2nd is released, can't wait! :3
Just gimme another week for that God-Tier Diva title koushiro, i left my Ps3 power cable at a friends house so perfecting all the songs on easy won't be happening till the weekend ;_;
I'm only missing the 100 hours in Edit Mode title, so it's just a matter of leaving my PS3 on for a while at this point.