Yea I dont have much to say, did it while beeing at PDX :) If you are wondering what this list is about, in most songs in that mode with areas you have 9 modes 1) easy 2) normal 3) hard 4) extreme 5) normal with challenge 6) hard with challenge 7) extreme with challenge 8) hard with 2 challenges 9)extreme with 3 challenges you unlock them as you get more orbs in the areas. in that list you see all the challenges here the list: ... edit#gid=0
Hajimete no Oto and Love Song actually have two different Easy & Normal modes for me.. (and both aren't challenges). Hajimete: EASY 50000 NORMAL 50000 EASY 93000 NORMAL 99000 Love Song: EASY 50000 NORMAL 50000 EASY 100000 NORMAL 105000