I know it's bad to advertise for a supermarket but... http://famima-miku.jp/ i need some help : http://www.h-kuji.com/goods/goods02.html Here is the lottery and the goods list. Does someone know how it works, with every ticket you can win something ? Must you go into a Famimart to buy the tickets ? when did it started and when will it end ? There are so many beautiful things to win :), i want some ... thanks for your help
Starts August 10. Apparently nation wide which is FRIGGEN AWESOME. Pick up a ticket in a Family Mart store, pay 800 yen, pick a card "lucky dip" style. Unpeel to reveal your prize. No matter what, you always win something but obviously the chances of winning the figurine or Nendoroid are incredibly low (usually 1 of each per store).
Arigato Gozaimasu for your Help Loserbait. edit : the yahoo auctions have already begun : http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/163101311 http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m99033580
Since the lottery isn't even out yet, either someone (likely a Family Mart employee) stole the figurine for the sole interest of profit. Anyway, it starts on Tuesday. If anyone wants to give it a shot, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Deadline is Monday 12:00 PM JST.
Some new makings of, them are hilarious : but... Miku, why are you doing this to me, it's a visual torture to see a shop like this and not be able to go inside.