Hello. I wonder if someone already has the complete event list. Only I need 7 events and I do not know how to get them. I have all the gifts and have given correctly. Even birthday cakes. I do not know if it's because I missing some room items. Would appreciate your help. :D
Maybe you could show some screenshots with where you don't have events so it could be figured out which ones you're missing by knowing the ones above and below? :D? I have all the events and I know there are others on here that do too. Some of the last few room items you get from seemingly endless petting and doing the vocaloid's bidding do have events attached to them. Also are you sure you have all the sketchbook and quiz item events and calligraphy paper events? The magic hat also has multiple events that can occur as well.
OK, I have all sketchbook, quiz and calligraphy events, magic hat. ball of yarn, In fact i got other events like Tea set, ball of yarn, sketchbook (Luka good drawing and Len bad drawing) that I didn't mention because I knew that I could get at any time. Now only I need 6 events. Well,Well, I show you some pics of my missing events. Thanks
The event under the rose one is an alternate event you get when gifting a rose to a character, that's the only one i can remember here from memory. There was also decent few events from the magical grilling machine too...
Alright here we go: The one under the rose is like hakumeiii said, an alternate event from giving a rose. The next three are all from gifting the magical mixing bowl. The next two events are other variations of the event you have in the middle from gifting that.. rice thing? The last one is a failed bean bag toss. I hope this helps uAu;.
The DIVA room wiki page is being build right now and the event list is almost complete. I don't know if there's a link to it on the main page yet but you can find the page here: http://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/DIVA+Room The event list should be done by the end of the day.
Dorothy3242, hakumeiii, toushiro. Thanks a lot For your help. I was always looking and waiting for update the Diva F 2nd section in the wiki page. I had not seen that part. Although today I had no time to play. I appreciate so much your help.Thanks. n_n