It's over a month early, but check out Mitchie's awesome Miku's Birthday Song that is so well tuned, you'll hear them 90% human! Perfect way to celebrate her 5th anniversary!
and this song will be featured on both Hatsune Miku's 5th Birthday Best impacts & memories. How sweet! ^_^
Mitchie M is the best vocaloid musician i know by far. nobody else made the vocaloids sing so real in his songs! Guys, you HAVE TO subscribe his channel!
Hey everybody, another mysterious link appeared: I'm really curious about this one. All the info i found is this note from Mitchie M that says: ★こちらで何かが起こる予定 which means "Something will happen in here". Now i wonder what this could be. Maybe another concert is on the way.
since the calendar in the pic has notes on the 1st, 8th and 30th august, i guess something will happen on alle 3 days. 26th to 30th could be a countdown or something.
Hey everyone, Miku's 5th birthday website was updated. You can send a message to Miku. Go ahead, try it.
I know, I've had DivX forever. It doesn't work. The letter pops up, it says your message has been sent before I can even type anything, and, then the entire site crashes.
Sent! @Potatofriez, try to use a different browser. For cases like that I already have several different ones installed: (IE9, Firefox14, Opera11.01, CravingExplorer)
there is a counter on the website, more than 13550 messages sent but i'm curious about the number 4684 close to the love symbol ?