[c]Winter 2014 - 2015 I downloaded this a few days ago for those interested. Here is the Winter 2014 - 2015 animé guide ^^ Source: neregate.com/blog/2014/11/02/winter-2014-2015-anime/ - - - - *Disclaimer: I don't make these lists, I'm only posting the image on here to share with you all. If a show is missing or the information is incorrect, feel free to contact the person who made it.*[/c] - - - - I don't really know if I should be doing this anymore. It doesn't seem like anyone on here really needs it, not to mention I don't post these on time so chances are that people already know what's coming down the line well before it gets here. Also, there are far better resources than the one I use for this kind of thing. I think I'm just wasting everyones time, sorry. I'm going to stop posting it on Facebook because nobody I know uses the guides and I feel like people hear far too much from me on there anyway.