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2013 Personal Resolutions

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Darksidehearts, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Darksidehearts

    Darksidehearts A calm state of mind is proof of skill and mastery
    Staff Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Assistant Psychology Prof. at USF
    Rhode Island, United States
    I kind of want to break from the traditional route with this kind of thing. So instead of asking what if any resolutions do you want to make, how about what kind of personal ones do you want to try to accomplish in the new year? The kind I'm talking about are aside from the usual ones like losing weight or donating to charity more, ones that have more a of a deeper meaning to you.

    What I purposed to do this year was to be less cynical in general. I kind of accomplished that goal but still feel I have a good amount of trust issues between myself and the world that is keeping me grounded. I won't go into detail here but at the moment I'm a little happier to keep living far more now than before so that can't be too bad of a thing right?

    So what kind of personal improvements if any do you plan to try to do with this new year?
  2. kaiki

    kaiki Sweet-Tooth Gamer

    Aug 1, 2012
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    1. doing my 1st Project Diva edit.
    2. doing full cools for hard mode in my favorite songs
    3. Find a new job.

    This are my personal resolutions for coming year =D"
  3. Darksidehearts

    Darksidehearts A calm state of mind is proof of skill and mastery
    Staff Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Assistant Psychology Prof. at USF
    Rhode Island, United States
    I wish you good luck on those goals Kaiki!
  4. infinity

    infinity Little traveler

    Mar 18, 2012
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    what ?! a resolution is something you are sure you will never do:

    So here are things that will never happen :/

    1/ trying to see Miku in Sapporo
    2/ learning Japanese language
    3/ find a better job with more money at the end of the month ;)
  5. Darksidehearts

    Darksidehearts A calm state of mind is proof of skill and mastery
    Staff Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Assistant Psychology Prof. at USF
    Rhode Island, United States
    Well yes usually but in this case I'm going for something that you are planning to do. It's all within personal reasoning I suppose.
    - - - -

    [Edit] December 22 2012 4:58AM EST
    If I may for a moment infinity, your list is not exactly out of the realm of possibility. Given time and resources available to you, learning a new language especially Japanese can be accomplished with a good amount of effort and patience. As for the job aspect, there are many variables that can play a part in this such as the economy and and your own credentials for employment but in general it's mostly possible to get a better career or job as things change day by day. Though I will agree that adding a limit for the end of the month does make the success margin drop a little but it's still a realistic venture none the less. You also may one day see Miku in Sapporo, time will only tell.
    - - - -

    Expanding upon a theory further, all your goals are within direct correlation with one another.

    Saving money from a better job will aid you in traveling to your desired location, learning the language ensures than when you reach your destination that you can fluently understand and speak the dialect and accomplish the main goal in said location. Perhaps I'm over analyzing things once again...that very first sentence of mine was more than suffice for a response.

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