Separate names with a comma.
There is the misconception that because of the name (extra extreme) that the charts are supposed to always be more difficult. The actual purpose...
This is not going to make any sense but it does make it so songs don't start automatically after loading, you get a button to start when you're...
Do you mind sharing where you found it? I just found out that this option was a thing but I can't find it for the life of me. edit: Nvm, I...
If you already have the game in any capacity then you already have prelude, it's the base game and nothing functions without it. I didn't even...
Sega fell out of contact with the producer and therefore could not license it for PS4 release. 224 songs were promised and that is what we got....
The second option is to buy and put it on at the same time. Instead of havimg to hit buy then pull up menu again to put it on.
To get it to download I went to my library and there was a download button there. Same with the themes from the theme selector. Edit: After the...
Nope, the pre-download may or may not be wonky but the countdown for the game to go live is the same for everyone, no matter what. It will unlock...
Actually download should be happening today(it just hit midnight 6/20 in Japan) and it goes live in 2 days, 23 hours and 50 minutes :P
It's nice to see everything in play, loading times don't seem too bad. Looks very smooth and the themes are pretty nice and dynamic. I now more...
Well it is really hard to know, it is not as easy as ~111mb per song, there are plenty of shared assets between PVs and of course the character...
I am highly doubtful of the color changing being a feature, but different vocals for the same songs have been confirmed for Future Tone. Songs...
The hard drive space for the game has popped up on the PSN. 25.4gb shown on PSN PC web page and 27.22gb shown on PS4 store.
To further narrow it down, this link will take you to the new stuff they added today: ... _customize I...
Do you happen to know how you obtain the Ultimate Medley Modules for the other characters besides Miku? I thought it would follow the other...