Separate names with a comma.
cent cinquante neuf 159
This topic will be sooner obsolete :)
Yes, happy birthday to jrharbort, he is very active on Hatsune Miku's facebook page and on others websites too, have a good day :)
Like the others, it will not be the last one, i'm thinking more about a new PjD game on PSvita / PS3 (this will be the last one on PS3 because...
Happy birthday to 加藤浩 (gomen nasai for being late), and happy birthday to Aphrodi !!
Re: One Fined Lovers You should practice a little more or you will never be able to submit some high scores. LOL
Magical39, just send your pics to SEGA and ask for a new difficulty level. After easy, normal, hard & extreme, ask for a higher difficulty level...
A facebook account is not mandatory, you can use twitter or create an account with your e-mail address and so on.... It's just faster with...
The biggest contest ever, a trip for two people to Japan to see the magical mirai concert OR some miku goods : Don't forget to carefully read the...
Hatsune Miku official facebook page just reached 1 million likes. Congratulations to our little electric angel <3 <3 <3 !!! just enter your e-mail adress and wait, it's so close now, maybe during the magical mirai concert, there will be a song...
grxU3ttbaPY Attack on titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin opening by Marasy, but what is written on the paper near the monkey ?
[img]+[img]=150 two european banknotes this is getting interesting since we can use the size of some vocaloids soon...
Well, here is a new topic and like the title said what you can win are vocaloid related prizes, if you find some others, please share. [spoiler]...
√20736 [spoiler]
12^2 - 2
Let's start now : cent trente deux (132) :)
2^7 - 1 = 127 !
125, well it's the number of a french air force near cyberkevin ^^ : BA 125
CXXIII (in roman numerals)