Separate names with a comma.
Re: YOUR OWN Pictures with AR-LIVE-MARKER ^^ Augmented Reali [img] Miku at the Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art. This was probably the only work...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f You're welcome. :3 Awesome. I enjoy having a serious, yet friendly competition! ;D [spoiler] BEATEN: kaiki...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f もう一回? まだですよ! [spoiler] By the way, the Negaposi*Continues Normal image on the highscore table is linked to my...
Well that pretty much blows! I've been using Play-Asia's service for nearly two years for exceptional service and always thought that the Japanese...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f [img] Most impressive. [spoiler] I also come bearing high scores as promised earlier. [spoiler] Keeping this...
Re: Tales of [Symphonia, Xillia... etc] The Tales series are my favorite RPG series, and probably the only console game I'll ever play again and...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f Now breaking the sound barrier... I can't help but play the same songs over again... *bricked* [spoiler] I'll...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f Awsum thum warz u gaiz baidawei nu recurd lololol Edit by Suyo: dae le circlejerk xddd lel le gem...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f Feeling awesome beating DenshaOtoko again. Miku was my lucky number... =P [img] アンハッピーリフレイン (Hard) - 608340...
I have some high scores! Hopefully I'm not late for the PD2 topic... :x [spoiler] I know it's hard to discern, having a PSVita camera totally...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f I'd like to participate as well! New to the forum, not new to the game. =P [img] キャットフード - Hard BEATEN:...