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[MEDIA] Download Edit + Mp3: Download...
[MEDIA] Requested by JUANCHO Project Diva DLC :3 The download link is in the description. Based on the color stages of Project DIVA F: -Pale Blue...
[MEDIA] Requested by kaito shion ks 2 The download link is in the description. (Module, igb files and textures) Slot: C33 Module head: Chihaya...
[MEDIA] Teto ver. Requested by DCK The download link is in the description. (Module, igb files and textures) Miku ver. Slot: C31 Module head: VN02...
[MEDIA] Requested by Twinfly The download link is in the description. Based on the color stages of Project DIVA F: -Pale Aqua Background (C 015)...
[MEDIA] Requested by kaito shion ks 2 The download link is in the description. (Module, igb files and textures) Slot: C42 Module head: Gothic...
Post Original: Kasumi Traducción del Post: 'spring onion' Hachune Bien, aquí están las formas básicas para modear Project Diva 2nd / Extend. En...
[MEDIA] Programas usados: -PDModuleCPKBuilder -AFS2EXT El primer paso es abrir PDModuleCPKBuilder, completar las casillas y guardar el archivo...
[MEDIA] Used tools: -PDModuleCPKBuilder -AFS2EXT The first step is to open PDModuleCPKBuilder, complete the boxes and build the EDAT file: [IMG]...
Hello! As a request of many I decided to do this tutorial on how to remove or rather make certain objects disappear from a module. The first...
Hola! A pedido de muchos decidí hacer este tutorial de como quitar o más bien hacer desaparecer ciertos objectos de un modelo. Lo primero que...
[MEDIA] No se si debería seguir publicando aquí pero lo haré de todas formas xD Este Edit no posee notas si quieres agregarlas por tu cuenta eres...
[MEDIA] This Edit has no notes, in case you want to add them you are free to do it. This Edit also uses The Rebel PD1st Stage Download Stage:...
Part 1: [MEDIA] Part 2: [MEDIA] Used tools: - Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 - Alchemy Finalizer - MMD pmd-model max script by MarioKart64n:...
[MEDIA] The download link is in the description. (Module, igb files and textures) Slot: C41 Module head: Hatsune Miku Append, without the...
Hello! This is a thread to explain how I did to modify the bones of a module: Inside of igAnimationDatabase ("miku_anim_db") is igSkeleton...
[MEDIA] The download link is in the description. (Module, igb files and textures) Slot: C40 Module head: Spacy Nurse, without the accessory....
[MEDIA] Dialogando con Kasumi, él me dijo que queria restaurar Requiem For the Phantasma con el stage original, lamentablemente aún no es posible...
[MEDIA] Conversing with kasumi, he told me that he wanted to restore Requiem For the Phantasma with the original stage (Miracle Paint and...
[MEDIA] Custom DLC Stage para el Edit Mode Slot: K005 Descargar EDAT:...