Separate names with a comma.
It would be a nice idea, but currently we only have one theme. maybe once Suyo completed the new color sheme for the new banner? Then we could...
ÖwÖ hope that the Neko Miku costume will be one of the three winners.
I don't know how to connect to the chat via . Also: Nope, Chuck Testa. There's no link.
Well I usually watch them in japanese with subtitles, the most dubs are some kind of unfitting... however there are exceptions: The english dub of...
Well even if you download them on your japanese account and switch back to the other one, you won't be able to use your memory stick, since it's...
Re: YOUR OWN Pictures with AR-LIVE-MARKER ^^ Augmented Reali you can switch costumes in the photo mode by pressing the icon in the top left...
Whoa, the first usermade (and non-official) contest on this forum which also has really good prices to win? I really need to say I'm really proud...
Re: New Project Diva f DLC Announced! woops, my bad.
Yeah I also know someone who was into Rock Music and stuff and was always like "Vocaloid isn't music, it's just stupid computer squeaking".
I'm such a big fan of PewDiePie and Gronkh* (*=german Let's Player), they're so funny. What are you up to? Do you watch Let's Players? What are...
unfortunately no, because she's not part of Project DIVA D:
Re: New Project Diva f DLC Announced! The pack will be on PSN only for 39 days. Afterwards the DLC pack won't be available anymore.
And 44 has Cookies and Energy Drinks.
Yep :T Einundvierzig - 41
MI KU! ミク! みく! 39! [img] D'awww thanks infinity -happy end- and also thanks to Darksidehearts who notified me via facebook! XD
Well i just don't know the most of your submissions... :<
damn i also preordered the one without the amiami exclusive item.... now i need to think about how to change it...
wow nice :D