Separate names with a comma.
Oh god, sorry I create a thread again ;; But dunno where to post it then... 7XWWEobTbXU 1fNr8bllL4E So someone were able to rip all the off...
God i just tested the game ... Beginn all songs are not hard at all, not even at Challange Difficult ... Now when I entcountered otetsu's song,...
sm20377739 I suddenly found this video. I think most people had expected that the PS3 ver. would be...
@Toadsili_T oh god I got interested doing gekishou XD emUL3tM4940 btw minicontroller can't change buttons
-lO9vVg36pY Shy Target, ftw!
Since Game release is next week, I decided to play once the game is out. So I'll start a topic where you can post gameplays or discuss ... well...
I'd like to know, how long you're playing Project DIVA daily :) Somehow it's interesting XD Here is my little story, haha~ In week days, when I...
That's correct~ I am glad I still have it~~~ (I mean when IPdramon PM was released as toy, it's been ... 10 years? o_o) BTT: My next video will...
I am still practicing but I still have no solution ... How can I do arrows well on the mini controller? Everytime when I start seeing Arrows, I...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f hahaha, Senbonzakura is mine!!! [img] NEW SCORES: Thousand Cherry Blossoms: EXTREME
Re: PD Arcade News Thread (The Merriest Update!) NO WAY WHY IS SEGA DOING THIS SEnkbs-sX-U NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I want Senbonzakura with...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f OMG TAKE THAT, NEGAPOSI!!!!!!!! [img] I owned you!!! BEATEN: Own Score (699180) on NegaPosi*Continues: EXTREME
AFf4r0_e_Js Don't you think too? :)
No, don't think so. Those song at least where in PDf
Haha, good to hear. First time pre-ordering in amiami... I have no clue how it works haha XD So satisfied to get controller~
I preordered from Amiami game + mini controller. Unfortunately I still can't purchase it yet, since it's still at "not-in-stock" :c I won't get...
I am wondering: how does pre-order works in amiami? Cuz I hear already that ppl can purchase in amiami now. Mine is still at "Not-in-stock". Did I...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f @Taiki28: Nice score :D unfortunately ... [img] BEATEN: Taiki28 (389500) on Time Machine: EXTREME REVENGE x2!
omg that mask. I think... it suits on WORLD'S END DANCEHALL or Sadistic Music Factory ... let's see XD And lol Rin? I wonder if she becomes...
Re: Highscore Table: Project DIVA f Hahaha, I steal some scores again >:D [img] [img] and ... Time for "Sadistic Finger Rape"!!!! [img]...