Separate names with a comma.
what is the codes for?? (just want to know... ( ฅ ω`)~゚ )
Kagerou Days Suki Kirai Kowase, Kowase Paradichlorobenzene Akatsuki Arrival Blackjack (got PERFECT using high speed and panic) Hatsune Miku no...
umm... anyone knows how to unlock Rin's Senbonzakura and Tokyo Teddy Bear modules because these modules I want to unlock badly... :( (it because I...
I get standard when using Shy Target just want to get Honey Whip... -_-
it's ok.. i have buy it because my friend give me redeem code to me... =)
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 24 Mar yay!!! gekishou on the list!! ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . NO WAY!!! DX
I already know my ID and password when I listen to "Rin-chan Now!" song.. :3 So, I can't use my friend's DLC to mine??
Next week, I will buy PS Vita when my mom come back from the overseas... I can't buy the DLC because I forget my ID and password... :'( So, can I...
afiredone12, can I edit some notes?? i had a bit confused at the notes... =)
i will test it... :3