Separate names with a comma.
If you do not get the PDDLC Slot Changer let me know and I will create a new app, it is not difficult for me since the process is not complex so...
Hi! Open the DLC with any Hex Editor, then go to the offset 1800, in the text block edit the "XXX" string (this is the DLC Slot, for example "001"...
Hi steel! ;D intento de modder: A person trying to create mods, many times succeeds, other times not, basically someone who is just starting to...
quien, tu? jaja, si es así choca esos cinco colega porque entonces ya somos dos por acá ;D
Thanks for advising! The truth is that I have not been very active to say, we have also updated the English Extend and we are trying to improve...
Ah, el botón ese es cuadrado azul y dice "Post New Thread"...
Ah, si vas a crear uno en español entra en el foro "International Forums" y luego hay entras en el SubForo "Spanish", pulsas el botón y creas tu...
Entra en algún Hilo y hay te aparece al principio un botón que dice "New Thread", pulsa y hay creas uno...
We have ask to SEGA to give us the DEMO... and wait for them to kick us out with shoes (^_^;)
Actualizado! =D Ahora el alchemy no te da el mensaje de conectarse a internet cuando lo reinicia! además he aumentado un poco el periodo de...
If is not too late... Happy birthday! ;D
The full ISO compressed weighs approx. 900MB (maybe less), the demo weighs less than 200MB therefore I do not think that this is the much...
Yes, no problem
What changes have you made to the module? Around here there are also some tutorials that you can use to see where you have made a mistake or to...
By the way, which tuto did you follow?
Hello! that usually happens if the custom module is corrupt or badly done... Did you make the module? I use Win10 20H2 and I have no problems...
Ah, I forgot to mention, the 2nd# has improvements that are not present in the 2nd, for example it is only necessary to scan the Memory Stick for...
Nope, the 2nd# uses its own savedata but has the ability to convert those of the 2nd to continue the game that you have saved there (if the first...
No hay problema, eres libre de compartirlo ;) Por ahora no he logrado mucho con respecto a los modelos... sobre aquello que me dijiste de las...
Oh, and remember to press the save button (the floppy button on the top left), that is important or the changes will not be saved in the igb and...