Separate names with a comma.
Bueno, jeje, respondo en español porque me da pereza usar el traductor x'D Con el tema de las animaciones de los escenarios, debido a que es...
Unfortunately my knowledge on the subject is limited, but ... it's strange, so many years, talented people, analyzing igb's ... why haven't they...
Jeje, ya aquí acaba mi testamento XD XD Saludos! =D
El modo reimportar del QuickBMS es similar al modo extractor, excepto que en ves de elegir la carpeta donde se guardarán los archivos eliges la...
Para extraer los datos del CPK usa el QuickBMS con el script, al extraerlos en una carpeta borra los demás audios dejando únicamente los...
Extrae el contenido del CPK del juego llamado Diva2Sound.cpk (2nd y 2nd#) o Diva2ExSound.cpk (Extend), hay encuentras los sonidos en formato aix,...
Saludos! =D
El editor, aquí se ve tanto la malla del modelo como la malla de la UV sobre la textura, y sip, uso el Blender :P
Mira la textura:
Las texturas solo son imágenes, crea una imágen con las partes que quieres pintar en la malla y eso es todo, luego edita las UV's de la malla...
Nice! Congrats, bro! =D
Yep, only export igb's ;)
The Alchemy's installer does not detect the 3DS Max 2010, but that option is only to install the exporter plugin, you can skip that and install...
if I'm not mistaken in extend there are 25 songs starting from 000 to 024 In 2nd I think that many more can be imported because it uses an extra...
The size of the final file (PMF) does not matter, but very low bitrates would cause quality losses, and very high bitrates would cause playback...
I'm sorry but I still don't know how to export animations, who could help you with it (of course, if it is possible to export animations) is my...
Ok, in your case skip the Part 1 of the post and follow these steps: Open the VGMToolbox, now go to "Misc. tools -> Stream tools -> Video...
Hehe, you're right, they have the power to ruin your day ('^^)
Thanks guys! :3 I'm glad you liked it =D
Here is another small contribution to the DIVA Fan community :3 This program allows you to edit the internal name and the Slot of the Project...