Separate names with a comma.
Bump. Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku (Extreme): 652150 [spoiler] Still no best dresser title ._. BEATEN: donosean (540900) on What? Ah, Yes.:...
Weekender Girl is a weird one >.> The first tech zone follows some rhythm that's just kinda there in the background and there are all these...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 13 Mar This is way too tense, I JUST WANNA KNOW ALREADY ;_;
PSN: Duskdragon add me pls ;3
I would shed an ocean of joy-filled tears if this happened
I think sega might throw in a curveball for this last one... [spoiler]
I needed to take a break from this edit stuff, my head hurts in ways i never thought were possible -.- Tengaku (Extreme): 457530 [spoiler]...
>.> I'll beat these after I actually finish making a decent edit play, or at least i'll try making a decent edit play, note placement and...
Minor weekly score bump. Tell Your World (Extreme): 461660 [spoiler] BEATEN: Own Score (460660) on Tell Your World: EXTREME
Nah, by curved notes it's not like those notes in gekishou/senbonzakura/unhappy refrain... By curve, I mean like the notes have a ridiculous...
I'm really liking what they've done with some of the note charts to spice them up, like the curved notes, but i'm a little sad that there's been...
Just gimme another week for that God-Tier Diva title koushiro, i left my Ps3 power cable at a friends house so perfecting all the songs on easy...
Re: PjDF2nd New video + Info [UPDATE 13 Feb.] You haven't missed anything really at all, the PjDF2nd news is probably still far off in the...
Re: PjDF2nd New video + Info [UPDATE 13 Feb.] I don't think it's premium locked or anything, I'm watching it right now and I have a regular...
Re: PjDF2nd New video + Info [UPDATE 13 Feb.] [spoiler] Commence the countdown, i guess...
Let me brush off the cobwebs a little Tokyo Teddybear (Extreme): 544650 [spoiler] Odds&Ends (Extreme): 632340 [spoiler] Schools slowing stuff...
Not too fast, twinkle toes :P Tell Your World (Normal): 362880 [spoiler] Tell Your World (Hard): 416530 [spoiler] BEATEN: donosean (361720) on...
I will probably never beat this score, ever. Secret Police is the bane of my existence for some reason (x_x;) Odds & Ends (Hard): 545320...
1 litre of coffee, 1 broken controller and a few hours of a local public holiday later... World's End Umbrella (Extreme): 596040 [spoiler]...
I just feel awkward getting this one... ...nonetheless, it is my favourite song off Diva F, so i'll take it with 50 points to spare. World's End...