Separate names with a comma. ... 4-ps-vita/ Releases for Vita and PS4 in Fall, probably at around the same time as the JP version on...
For the Safety Judge ones, I'd assume since it's called SAFETY judge, it still counts SAFEs as hitting the note in Chance Time and Tech Zones...
"Each “half” of the game can be purchased and played independently, while the second half can be purchased later if desired as an “add-on”. "-...
It does say more than. If that means all 227, or if that's still missing an update or 2, we'll see once we know the exact number. Also, as for...
The Arcade has 227 songs currently, so I guess they just didn't port the last few updates. Also, I really hope that you can run it all in one...
Cool, about 220 songs all in all, so that's amazing, can't wait. How do you think they'll price those 2 packs? I guess, that article does quote...
Re: [NEWS] Project DIVA X Update (Feb 2) [Check first page] Well, to be fair, the charts for each song in that medley are pretty much almost...
Re: [NEWS] Project DIVA X Update (Feb 2) [Check first page] Yep. Exactly that. And I never understood why anyone would pay for such a DLC.
That. Looks. Gorgeous. O_O If this actually ends up playing as well or better than the PS3 games, as opposed to every single other fanmade PC...
I'm still betting on the PS4 version getting the edit mode as we know it. They'd be immensely stupid to not make edit mode the same, or even...
Yeah, as I said before, quad holds are totally doable. Also, nice to see the layout for the controls. Oh, and, whether you call it speculation...
Source? Cause don't go around stating your own expectations of how it's gonna be as facts. As far as we know, all songs will be in the game from...
Latest Gematsu article: ... t-gameplay So, SPRING 2016 it is. I can't wait. ( •ᴗ•)
That tweet isn't about the PS4 port, but about a competition on the actual arcade, as far as I can tell.
For now I'll go with Live Edit Mode isn't Edit Mode. Although, seeing as other games that used MP3s for in-game customization on PS3 (like the WWE...
2 screens revealed on twitter: ... 4003809284 The first image shows the song selection screen, with the...
Re: [NEWS] Project DIVA X Update (Dec 2015) [Check first pag Still can't believe they actually put Sacred Spear Explosion Boy in. (“Seisou...
The Charts are pretty terrible for the most part. Holding notes where they don't belong, undercharting so bad that it actually kills the rhythm,...
Sega has pretty much nothing to do with this. They don't own the copyright on the music, they just license it for their games.
Thank YouTube Red for that. A lot of Japanese and Korean music content is currently being blocked in the US. YouTube failed to have contracts with...