Separate names with a comma.
I just realized Micro Note can be handy for extreme. The notes are smaller, but it makes it easier to see those rapid. I find it allows me to...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar Gratz. I couldn't even reach 97% :\ Even though my left finger is used to the game,...
Playing this song requires "True Happiness" then lol. I didn't know that all this time.
How could you perfect that song??? ;-; and even with Cool Master S ;-; and Fine below 10% of total notes???
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar Wait, could...I used Cool M@ster S on Paradichlorobenzene Hard and I got...
<<< Was able to hit all notes in CT in Musunde...ONCE I don't even know how was I able to hit all notes in the CT ._. Perhaps 10.0 in f 2nd was...
Agreed. Though I almost got excellent on SMF but highest percentage was... [spoiler] Imo, NegaPosi's hard due to the high bpm and complex...
Somehow I'm not sure about both :\ I was able to get excellent back in NegaPosi coz there's not rapid spamming. It sure made me go "table-flip"...
SERIOUSLY??? In only 2 tries??? I couldn't keep up with the last few parts. I just panic and try to catch at least some notes ._. Oh and the Diva...
Has anyone perfected either Gekishou or 2D Dream Fever? Just wondering though :\ [spoiler]
This. Especially in Knife. And some other songs as well such as Ura Omote Lovers, which made me got CHEAP -_-
Ura Omote Lovers. Her voice somehow felt awkward even though it wasn't a bad song. The PD Extend one was better.
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar I wonder if I should make a guide of how to master each song...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar I wasn't expecting that ending. I thought something would happen to Len, but......
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar Their hit range seems bigger than normal notes. I rarely get safe when hitting stars.
Note that the ribbon icon only appears for the next selected song once. For example, if it pops out on Kokoro but you decided to play Knife, The...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar Wait, what? You got 1 safe in 2D Dream Fever extreme???
F 2nd. Here's another one which I just remembered back when I'm just a novice Panicked when facing a large number of notes with ample beat It...
This happened to me yesterday when playing Gekishou extreme: [spoiler] Also, since in PD f 2nd now we can use stick, I'm sure some ppl may...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar I can't believe I finally got GREAT on Gekishou...TWICE!! The finishing will be the...