Separate names with a comma.
I've played these two already, now i'll try to get better with a mini controller that i'm waiting (because my country is a asshole and don't want...
I have some fear breaking my analogyc apart doing this x_x
Super Dancer Online (I have 3 clients, with Malaysian as a main client) / O2Jam (sometimes) / DJMax (sometimes...) I played Stepmania a lot, but...
Which steps did you take to unlock?
I haven't unlocked yet, sounds hardcore
- Loading faster than other editions - Difficulty in Hard/Extreme increased - The fact that Star Notes cannot be mashed anymore (now you get...
In game or whatever option menu, Options > フリップ感度調整 (slip feedback) > 低 (what means "short"). This option configure how your slip can be read and...
I read some of those commentaries abouth the Normal difficulty even for my colleagues that have played past versions. Even me noticed that. But...
Strange, for me it's alright, seriously I'll play 5 times in a row and see. Apparently, people here doesn't like of fact that game has...
I remembered that i had problem doing Star Notes and got misses (or any bad judgement) because my hits are double (or triple) of readings that i...
Maybe Uraomote Lovers or Envycat, songs can vary
I just put "Osusume" (default) (lazy person)
I want that my mini controller arrive soon, dang, i'm a Stepmania player and i kind of hate playing with thumbs, which in playing some time will...
I see 2 versions just the same for me. If you have a "lag" problem, just adjust your button tap timing in options about 5~10 times.
Maybe song difficulty varies by player. I suggest to open a pool. In my case, Gekishou, because speed + high BPM.
Not quite... ????
Therefore, learning curve is too high.
It has to do with muscle memory + gameplay experience
I didn't have much problems with link star, since if I hear the song and make in rhythm ... But scratch on touch screen is really a pain on...
It will take some long time for me :~(