Separate names with a comma.
That was one of the earliest plans back when Sega first announced Sonic Adventure 2 prior to that inital E3 trailer. It was to be a new adventure...
Mmm, I agree with parts of that statement. The Adventure series is a very good example of what a 3D Sonic should be and the mechanics could be...
Knuckles: "Nah man...these are vitamins...just vitamins...yep."
I have debated this one in my head so many times over the years that it's getting crazy >_< I haven't been a huge fan of Sega's direction when it...
Personally I'm alright with them taking time to improve it, especially if they feel there is something that needs to be fixed to make it better. I...
I don't think there is any doubt that a Project Diva game will come out on the PS4. It's only a matter of time, for now though, they'll keep...
I don't know what the actual figures are except for reading a comment somewhere that it was "higher than expected." Sega has spent time, money and...
I like that they take the time to work on updating the features of the Diva room with each game because variety is always a good thing. You know,...
The following twenty choices are music from video games that I have played and completed in my life. This is not a "best of" list, just a small...
Simply put, this is a small list of things I want to accomplish this year on the forum. These have been in the back of my mind for a bit. 1. Be...
[~313~] - - - - Glad to see this continuing, I was getting worried that this thread was dying out on me T~T
Happy birthday to you majori10! - - - - January 15 2014 - Happy birthday to XJes6!
Bingo! Alright, your turn Kyrika ^^
Happy birthday to you Ramirez (Oh that Silver Tundra :3) Also happy belated birthday to BluRockShooter!
Happy birthday to you Djaga!
Nope, sorry. Here's another pic of the same anime. Sorry, I think that I have made this tougher than it should be. [img]
Right right, almost forgot. Happy birthday to both Rin and Len!
Re: PjDF2nd Release Date and New scans + video [UPDATE Dec. To be honest, I am only interested because it will be my first Vita game. :P However...
Re: PjDF2nd Release Date and New scans + video [UPDATE Nov. That is great news! I have always wanted to play Luka Luka Night Fever but have never...
MO60ahwc8FI I do not listen to much English spoken music but every once in a while someone manages to surprise me ^^