Separate names with a comma.
I totally agree with you. When I first play this project diva I had the feeling our favorite singer weren't happy as they used to be. And, don't...
Coucou aux nouveaux et anciens.
C'est vrai qu'il manque encore quelques titres à cause des éternels problèmes de licence.
Can someone explain again? What is the setlist of the apps and songs in the packs? Yes, I'm still not interested in PSVR but I'm really curious.
Glad to see you here. I follow many controller project before and after doing mine and I decided to share all the projects I met to help or...
Forcément ça rend bien mais un truc me turlupine. A force de vouloir rendre les voix plus réalistes, on risque de tomber dans quelque chose de...
Sorry, I forgot about the first, Walter-kun is right. I also mistook "star killer" with analog sticks.
Yes it's cross save but it works only with the same region even though F2nd as the same trophy list (in english just like Pjd X). And yes you can...
I'm waiting for this one, I hope they will do something different from the 2 previous Vita version.
Je mettrai une photo plus tard mais je me suis acheté la version américaine de Dead rising 1 sur ps4 puis DR 1 et 2 en version japonaise (je...
Personne n'avait fait Otoko juku sur PS3, dans le sytle d'un Jojo? Franchement il y a des missions hors combat qui sont tellement dans le délire...
I really like: イヤイヤ星人 >> Iya Iya Seijin ジュゲムシーケンサー >> Jugemu Sequencer Magical Sound Shower >> Outrun song 骸骨楽団とリリア >> Gaikotsu Gakudan to Lilia...
About the 40 avatars I found this. We have to wait they solve the psn trouble. But it seems we can have access through smartphone/pc....
need help about the secret active follower badge...
Yes, only 200g. The 100g are too soft and the 400g are used for UFO catcher (too strong).
It's strange a single dlc track brings so much % among the 224 tracks. That's weird. Btw I wanted to share about the VP points, but megaman05...
I hope they'll fix this problem asap, I don't mind about the ranking but it's not fair when guys abuse glitch/bug to have their first position (no...
I guess the avatar part will be available later. I had the same problem, download error...
T'es sérieux? Really ?! I couldn't resist watching your video, expecting a perfect lol
I'm not really interested in VR (except for PV) but Sega announced 3 packs (Oct/Nov and Dec) with their first/second and third Stage. It's weird...