Separate names with a comma.
they only like the stuff they're asking for (like "i can't keep singing with an empty stomach" or "i want something cute in my room") in my case....
Does anyone know if the song "kagamine hachi hachi flower fight" will be added as dlc? i heard that sega hasn't been able to contact the producer...
i don't have this issue but i found this: "If you bought something and it's showing up in your Library but lists the price where the Download...
ah i see ^^ well, i'm releaved to hear that because i thought something is wrong with the song itself (since it was the first time it happend in...
ah so that's why. yes, i thought exextreme is supposed to be more difficult than extreme but i'm releaved it's different :D thank you for answering ^^
i have a technical? problem with the dlc song "shake it". shortly after the rin/len part i can't hear the music anymore for about 3-4 seconds. the...
oh yes i know :P that's why i'm totally waiting for it. well, i hope that something will be released next month at least.
hey, i just wanted to ask if someone knows something about new dlc content. i know sega said something about every 2-3 months and now that...
the song is called "Denparadaimu". i would translate it as "Den Paradigma" (i don't know if that's correct though). it's along with NegaPosi...
ah i see, then i translated that right at least ^^ i was just confused because of the little dress in the picture. i thought maybe there are some...
i have a question. i looked in the jp psn store if some new dlc was released. there wasn't any new stuff in there but i saw a dlc besides...
oh god sometimes i'm so blind it hurts ~.~ thanks to your advice i finally found it so thank you ;)
It is? Because i checked as well right now and i can't find it.
well, i'm sorry. i didn't know it's that annoying. and yes, i speak german :) the purchase is my problem because i don't have a credit card....
well, i hope i'm in the right thread for my question ^^ as a huge hatsune miku fan i want to get projekt diva x of course ^^ first i wanted to...
i think you have to costumize 39 different songs with the recommended module (i don't know for sure though). if the standart outfit is the...
yes, i can clear out of eden (extreme) now ^^ but i'm far away from perfect of course ^^ with levan polka i have much more problems. maybe it's...
yes, i won't try the song again the next few days xD and when i'm trying to do it only in practice or survival mode ^^ i played it just once and i...
ah i see ^^ thank you, i didn't know there was something like a contest for the edit stuff.
all right, i will try it ^^ i hated levan polka already in the extreme tutorial in f2nd but now it's even worse. i died after 10 seconds on my...