Separate names with a comma.
You can't, you can only change outfits and characters but songs will stay the same. Maybe the only way is to find some edits songs ????
viewtopic.php?f=23&t=84&start=20#p8906 Just ask to be a global moderator ;)
Joyful, a bit stressed then discouraged by the others players : viewtopic.php?f=20&t=191&hilit=akihabara#p1164 You don't really need a card to...
She is cute compared to Mikudayo ;) viewtopic.php?f=20&t=347&p=2791#p2518
No one was assigned to update the highscore tables, i was doing it most of the time and since i asked to get back from global moderator to regular...
Not so early, There are 77 448 493 PS3 Sold since 2006 and only 2.1 millions PS4 sold (december 03), more than 3 millions now ? Sega will not do...
The DLCs will not be included so... Let's see the price of the game and the price of the DLCs... And still no announcements about Project diva F...
Well, that they kick off Meiko v1 voice and bring Meiko v3, so we could have "on the rocks" with both V3 singers <3 <3 <3 scp2VQ87ZvY19913
Well, there is a coupon code thread on this forum, so you will see many others members who have already bought some stuff on this website. So Play...
Source Once again a french car :/
Happy birthday to Kyrika and to Otase :)
Yes, happy birthday ^^
Once again a french car related number, the peugeot 304 : Source
The peugeot 302 : Source
Re: [Contest] Hatsune Miku Project Diva F Prize Pack I'm available :)
Happy birthday to marioysikax ^^
there are many customs made controllers but the problem with the Project Diva F controller is the "scratch pad", here are some links to the french...
300 [spoiler]or [spoiler]
The live stream of Mogra : a special vocaloid DJ set :)