Separate names with a comma.
Bracing myself before the storm... (As in April Fool’s Day Jokes)
Here’s the video going over the whole thing; [MEDIA]
SEGA FES is coming, so maybe we will see something there at the end of the month. Unless they send out another tweet regarding no character...
Doesn't state anything Project DIVA specific however; just a brief mention.
Oh yeah; Cuphead's on Switch, Cadence of Hyrule anyone?
I feel like I need to say this; Why. This isn’t a queston with the hope for either an answer or response, just the thought of saying why and the...
You can develop a “arcade-like feel” for the housing and buttons with their springs and such; rather than circuitry, use pieces of reflective tape...
Speaking of Labo;
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] This is no elaborate hoax; just recently (about an hour or two at the time of writing)...
But when thinking about it Doctopus; it’s possible on Switch, You just need to ditch all the complex circuitry, springs, and plastics, and instead...
Honestly Doctopus; I don’t really know how to respond to that outside of:
What is Fortnite? (Battle Royale games after playing Tetris 99)
Today (or for the last two days) is when people outside this small discussion pretty much talk about the PS Vita nearing it’s expected...
They just unvieled the SNOW MIKU 2018 Module and it’s two varients; one hooded and one without hood.
Honestly; not really sure if Nintendo as an observer means that they are indeed amongst these other 11 companies, or it means they are a seperate...
I first heard about it over on Nintendo Life, and pretty much alot of Nintendo-news sites started covering it, just type up “VRM Consortium” and...
I had nothing much to say to welcoming the forum into the new year; then then the VRM Consortium suddenly became a Nintendo-related headline....
Wonder why Colonel Sanders is considered the Japanese Santa Claus? Here’s a video from the new DYKF channel:
Happy Holidays; hope you all enjoy yourselves. If you’re in Japan; hope you KFC dinner is great.
Out of the 5 switch-related announcements at last night’s GAME Awards: in addition to Switch exclusives Marvel Ultimate Allience 3: The Black...