Separate names with a comma.
#Selfie By: The Chainsmokers I decided to try out the new edit mode. This is also my first "full" edit with notes and everything. It's very...
Say if you use a code that came with a vita ver. You go onto the store and find the redeem code button (It should say コード followed by some kanji)....
I believe you can only use it for the PS3 ver. since I got the Vita one. Of course, it came in the game case.
So thread time~ I can't enforce anything of course but I think a good system for this to work is to reply, offering your code, then edit your...
Oh yeah, we should probably make a thread for that eventually so everyone can see it in one place.
Go into the costumise modules button (bottom left), select 2nd character, select which vocaloid you want to use and at the very bottom there is a...
Re: Project DIVA F Extend for PSVita & PS4 announced! Oh boy! I can't wait for this game to come out~ This'll be the best one yet, I'm sure of it! |D
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar I don't know how to unlock it either OTL I do know however, that it translates to...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar この楽曲での累計スコア393万点逹成 Score a total of 3930000 points in this song (fun...)
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar Is it next to another unlockable or on a certain song? And aww... I just bought that...
Mikudayo has some competition in this new game [img]
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar This one?: リズムゲームを393回クリアまたは別プラットフォームとクロスセーブをする I'm not 100% what this says but I...
Is it the little twitch near the bottom area? If so it's probably because of her leg moving a bit more forward than the other, crossing them. This...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar I don't think I'd ever do it on Extreme with it xD and by the way, it's actually...
So for example if you play the song one time, getting a max combo of 100, then play it another time getting a max of 200, then a 300 (hypothetical...
I thought this song went well with the outfit [spoiler]
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar That's the joy of this new game! So many weird ways to unlock things unlike past...
This really isn't a glitch but could anyone help me out. Has anyone unlocked Len's Fox costume yet? The Information Board says you get it by...
Re: PjDF2nd 4 Last confirmed songs + New info (UPDATE 26 Mar We're all still working on the guide for unlocking but I can help you personally for...
The Information Board is right next to the Change Modules button when selecting a song to play, it's pretty much an unlock list. [spoiler] There...