Separate names with a comma.
Well yeah, but by this point it's a common and understandable thing in the games now, as well as being unnoticeable unless you're looking SUPER...
That's the thing, some people complain about them but it's rarely noticeable, and they did it SO much better in f2, now it's always in sync. Never...
He means background pre-renders. Like in f, parts of Torinoko City (Urbandonment) had its BG Pre with the module in front of the video.
Happy Birthday BaseNumbers!
Which song? Be a bit specific ^^' That's not really the game's fault, more of the creators (although personally I like it)
The strategy I used was to go by groups of notes like: Let's miss this group of 3 Now this one of 4 which makes 7 Now 3 which makes 10 Now 3 and 3...
It unlocks a "cat's toy" wall item
I wanna say that was the one I tried on Easy and Normal and failed with ONLY 39 worsts so I tried it on hard and it seemed to be the only way I...
I just realized how much I hate petting in the Diva Room now. It was so fun making them shiver with the back touch screen, making them look at our...
Floating glowing spheres is a concept done by a BUNCH of other franchises to represent hearts, souls, feelings, etc. It's a common idea. The only...
[spoiler] [spoiler]
Another thing that I discovered that liked recently is how elaborate the new accessories are. I felt like f/F was just testing out the new...
Well Dreamy Theatre 2nd is a special case and really isn't similar to the main games
Sadly, no, this has never been a feature in the games
Well, assuming you've been playing for a while, any song on Normal should be easy for us. But most people who pick up the game for the first time...
So after many complaints about the game that everyone's made, we still all know how AMAZING it is to play. So what do you guys really like with...
Being REALLY hard on Extreme is fine and being hard on Hard is fine too, but I think some people are just ticked that Normal (over the course of...
The bald guy in the back just always seems to have the awkwardest face xD
I kinda it's chart a bit, i like the back and forth movements it has in it.
Just uploaded a gameplay video. Updated original post~