Separate names with a comma.
What exactly is with SpoofingGenga's English title? What's a Doublegangar? It sounds like doppelganger so is it a pun off of that? What a weird...
Still not liking the fact that they're using Romaji for the lyrics. Crossing fingers they add an English option at least when they release it.
Have you tried pressing the button on the startup screen that says new next to it? And it'll be a good while before the next game comes out anyway...
AWWWW! THE BABIS ARE SO CUTE! Although around 14 dollars is a bit pricey for me... If I don't have enough for all of them, I'll just buy MEIKO and...
But are you a member of the PD wiki? You may have just signed up for wikispaces and not the PD wiki itself.
Are you an actual member of the wiki, if not, log in and go to the PD wiki page. There should be a little thing saying join now or something on...
The wiki has everything correct now thanks to OverReaction. I honestly don't know why the page had so many mistakes when the module page is just...
If you're in simple mode, then I don't believe the tempo can be changed but if you're in advanced mode, go to the fourth from the bottom option...
Edited original post just before you said that xD
You should pay a bit more attention to which ones are grey and which ones are white ^^'
Did you actually clear the song with at least a Standard on soundless voice? MissXTakes don't count. And it has to be the plain one. Who did you...
I don't know why everyone keeps thinking the info board messes up in game. Would the designers really put it there if it didn't work? Sorry to say...
Ya know, it'd be nice if Project Diva had a step by step tutorial for each song, kinda like Guitar Hero or Dance Central, where you could select...
I don't know what their problem is. If I got tons of presents, I'd love the giver forever. BRING ON THE SUSHI, TEDDY BEARS, AND USELESS SHELF ITEMS!
Well Vocaloid wouldn't be so successful if only one person liked it now would it? Of course you're not the only one, there are thousands upon...
Not to nitpick at your thoughts but why not try getting 39 worsts instead of fines? And why play the song over and over and over when you could...
Can't wait!
I'm at a loss, only thing I can think of is to copy your save file on a thumbdrive or something, then delete it off of your ps3 (as well as the...
Out of curiosity, and this may sound like a stupid question but can any other games on your PS3 connect to their databases?
(That's a pretty long tl;dr xD) I have no clue what's going on with your game but have you tried to see if it happens if you start up a new save...