Separate names with a comma.
The denuvo will definately cause problems, however it may be possible to use elements of the steam version on the arcade one. The biggest benefit...
less than arcade, but more than switch
It's out... [MEDIA] Has Denuvo though 170 songs, ft and switch graphics options The requirements are virtually the same as the arcade version...
Not easy without the keychip... plus chunythm is already "out there".
It's only to keep the card perfectly in place, it seems pointless as the card is so small it would never move on its own. Probably just to stop it...
neither did i the first time i took mine apart as seen in this post......
leave it attached to the big plate that hold the disks and keychip holder and take the thing out as one piece, just remove the 4 screws on that...
The ones on the outside of the case or inside where it attaches to the hard disk bracket? As if its the inside ones, that part can stay attached...
The lids on mine are tight too - i use a spoon at the back corners (fan vent end) to pry it forward.
In case there is anyone in the UK after a Project Diva cabinet, "Joushuu_" on UKVAC (a UK based arcade forum) is selling a Future Tone cab......
It will go though the STEP parts for a few minutes which are just bootup checks etc, and wil eventually get to this screen If everything is ok,......
It's the 2 small buttons on the black plate next to the graphics card ports - there's a picture on david's post at the top of this page showing them
You may be able to work out what game it is, if you are able to power it up, I think the Sw1 and Sw2 buttons allow for navigating the system test...
The Nu does a couple of useful things: it has a JVS port which interfaces with all the unique cabinet parts via a single usb-like cable. it has a...
There are different sets of the DVDs, 2 discs for the earliest Future Tone release and 3 and 4 for the later ones. The Nu has to use the "U-Type"...
Your link is protected so I can't see. However somthing like that could be a grounding issue, maybe dismantle the slider and clean out any fluff.
Stay safe man
Hopefully he'll check in here if he's able to. Hope he's okay.
Here's the pinout for that if you don't have it... [IMG]
Odd, the same sound chip is on the board i'm using and the seperate headphone audio works, get rid of the divasound plugin if you have it enabled,...