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Problem with f accessories

Discussion in 'Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA ƒ & Project DIVA F' started by Dyspnia, May 30, 2013.

  1. Dyspnia

    Dyspnia Retired cDLC Creator

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Something that has bothered me in f for the longest time:

    Fit normally:
    (I picked the gas mask and the extreme crown because they are the biggest items in the list to put on a module)
    but then...:
    The crowns float and the gas mask is so big compared to KAITO and MEIKO's faces
    It's even worse for the phantom mask

    With MEIKO being my favorite Vocaloid I really don't like this. Anyone know why it fits their faces so weirdly compared to everyone else? It isn't just those 3 accessories either, it's a bunch of others, glasses are huge, face masks look like they don't connect, etc.

    On an unrelated note, wouldn't it be cool if we could put some module exclusive accessories on other characters? Like the unhappy refrain masks or the Rin bow, OOOH OOH OR EVEN BETTER! THE SADISTIC MUSIC FACTORY HAT! I WOULD LOVE THAT!
  2. Japes

    Japes Advanced Player

    May 12, 2013
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    I think, sure, it's annoying, but not particularly uncommon. Most games have some sort of clipping issues, if only minor, particularly games with customizable accessories and such. This is not an excuse for the developers not making the items so as not to clip with the hair on particular characters, but such attention to minute detail is generally not cost effective in games development, particularly when the issue is only with certain items and certain modules.
  3. Dyspnia

    Dyspnia Retired cDLC Creator

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Well yeah it's understandable (personal opinion) with games that have total customization when it comes to creating your own character, but Project Diva has a total of 6 characters generally (7 if you count Sakine but accessories fit her just fine, Haku, Neru, and Teto don't really count due to them using Miku as a base) and it's 2 out of 6 characters which don't have accessories fitting right. That's a whole 1/3 of Vocaloids and 20/82 modules they could've looked at again and touched up. I personally don't it would've been too hard to do so.
  4. Japes

    Japes Advanced Player

    May 12, 2013
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    Well if you have personal modeling experience then feel free to prove me wrong, but with a brother in the industry I believe I can say with at least a small bit of confidence that it's not actually quite that simple. The models used for the accessories are re-used for all 6 main modules, not re-done for each. As such, they were modeled once so as to both save manpower (and money) as well as memory (although with blu ray that's not as much an issues, though I am not sure of the Vita cards' constraints). I'm sure there is a reason they are the size they are, and I am assuming that reason is to fit the main modules. Presumably if that had altered them to fit Kaito and Meiko they would not have fit the others as well. All of this is conjecture, however, based mainly on friends I have in the industry, so I can't say any of this certainly from personal experience. It sucks that they don't fit correctly, but in the scheme of game development it most likely wasn't worth the effort.
  5. Dyspnia

    Dyspnia Retired cDLC Creator

    Jun 14, 2012
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    I have a bit of modeling experience but not much but enough to know what I'm talking about, especially when it comes to Project Diva modules as I use them everyday (literally, I'm a custom DLC creator for 2nd and Extend xD). But anyway, I see your point but I still think it wouldn't be too much trouble if they had just adjusted the way it's positioned just a bit to fit the face correctly, that's all they really had to do. My best guess on how it works is each module base has a set point for, let's say for example, the face and each accessory goes off that, someone like Miku or Luka has it to where, again for example, the phantom mask is set at the position it is, but KAITO/MEIKO have the same point, but because they are generally different, it's just way too big. I think what they did, something similar to what you said, is they only designed size and shape for Miku or some generic base, obviously MEIKO and KAITO use a different base causing the accessory size to become different, annoyingly different. If they would've just taken the time to adjust the size a tinyyyyyy bit for the KAITO and MEIKO base, it would've come out much better. It's due to this little annoyance I feel like I can't really use the phantom mask, red eye mask, gas mask (my fav), whiskers (they annoy me just a tad as they aren't fully attached, theres a little gap), green hair pin, hard crown, extreme crown, and many others. Call me picky but it really wouldn't have taken much time and it would've made a difference.

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