Help! I have same problem as Nekof. "I have already entered the code. Then I saw that the project diva f's price is now 5000 yen but how can I get the free song??" Thanks for some help, please?
@Nekof & @Jkellehe, it seems, i really don't know but according to, you need a japanese PSN account on your PSVITA to download the DLC of the 6 new songs. please wait others answers before doing something.
I found an answer that worked for me: PlayStation Store ↓ PS Vitaコンテンツ↓ 追加アイテム↓ 初音ミク -Project DIVA- f ↓ Tell Your World (楽曲・モジュールセット) , Project DIVA f 追加アイテムセット
Oh, so that means I must have a JP account (R2) to buy the new dlc.. ;_; I'm on R3 and I only have the Vita version, is there a way to get the new songs on my Vita other than switching regions/account?
I just download my free Tell Your World song dlc, but it doesn't show up in the song list on my Vita. Anyone else having this same problem? I copied the file from my PS3 to my Vita with no problems.
You should install the latest patch, then it might just show up. It's found by starting the Project Diva f bubble, just on the top buttons above the "start" button before playing Project Diva f.
I did not check, to be honest. Although it is required to allow the Project Diva F new songs DLC to run on the PSVita, to my surprise.
You have to update your version of Project Diva f. When you tap on the Project Diva icon on the home screen, don't enter the game right away. If you look a little above the expanded icon once you've pressed it, you should see an orange bubble with an arrow on it. Press that. That will update your game. Then you will be able to play the 追加アイテムSet for Edit Mode, and the Oumoji pack. You also will be able to play Tell Your World. :)
I just got a message back from Play Asia since I did airmail I probably wont be getting my copy for a few more weeks TT, ah well I'll have SC2 HoTS to tide me over.
For the PS3 code, After, the DLC Multi-Character Pack Project DIVA f will be sold for 3000 yens. time limit is 14 or 15 of april 2013