melody... Singer: Hatsune Miku Song by Composer: mikuru396 I recorded a gameplay of my Edit. Because in Extend, melody... lost many beats, I wanted to add them... and more ... well yeah D: Good Luck XD Module: Miku (hidden) PV only: no Used Slots:01 Download: Under construction.
I really liked this Edit, even though I will most likely never be able to clear it outside of Edit Test mode :p The beat timing was pretty good, the note timingtoo - the only really awkward moment is in measure 139. After the notes following the voice and more important beats before, the speed suddenly changes with no noticeable change to the music. This really threw me off. As for the placement on the grid, there are a few odd places - around measure 115/116, the notes are too close to each other, and in a wierd order, so most people won't be able to even spot it due to the high speed, unless checking the Edit itself. Also, the notes at 136/3.5, 136/4.5, 137/1.5, 137/3.0 and 137/4.0 have the same distance from each other, and since I orient my timing on stuff like that, the different time distance beetween 137/1.5 and 137/3.0 confused me. But hey, that's pretty specific nagging. Overall, this is a great Edit and I rated it 4 stars. Also, maybe you could edit your Edit so it complies to the new Edit Rules - in your case it's not hard at all. You just have to move all notes back one measure and delete the MP3 - the song is already in extend and has exactly one empty measure at the start, so timing is no problem.
@Suyo Sure, I'll do it as soon as possbile. Have to find a nico video first though, which i can use... (have a lot of work to do cause of school) Thanks for feedback ^^ Yeah... I have a problem, that I can't really do easy beats after all ... Cause I care very much of full rythms :x And as well, it would be much easier, if there would be 6/4 and 8/6 measures... If they will be in, bpm wouldn't change D: I'll recheck again and try to edit mistakes as well.