Have finished almost everything there is to do, then realized some of the pages here are still incomplete. So I bought 6 of each present and gave one of each to each Vocaloid, and recorded their reactions. I put the summary table into this wiki page here: http://projectdiva.wikispaces.com/DIVA+Room+%28f%29 Please edit and link it into the menu when you have added in other information about the DIVA rooms.
Added some things about Acchi Muite Hoi, and added it to the sidebar. And while we're on that topic, here are two relevant and awesome videos on Acchi Muite Hoi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j7mxc-P7gs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIFO10Tj_ww
Copypasta and translated some stuff from the Japanese wiki (http://www19.atwiki.jp/mikudiva/pages/402.html) Also tried organizing the text into point form to make it easier to read. Things left to add: - Event collection list - Gadgets list and functions
added to navigation. really nice page! thanks!! i should create a new rank called "VIP Member" or something for you.
Haha, I'm more than happy with the Arcade Master rank already :) Have finished adding the rest of the things into the page.