Confirmed by Famitsu furage (Scans below this post): - World's End Umbrella/Hachi; Module: Memoria - Netge Haijin Sprechchor/Satsuki ga Tenkomori; Module: FOnewearl Style (from Phantasy Star Online) - RemoteCon/Jesus; Module: Receiver (Len), Transmitter (Rin) - NegaPosi*Continues/sasakure.UK; Module: Hello, Good Night About AR Live Now you can do the same thing as Project Mirai, only this time you can set the character size either figurine-size, life-size, or in between. More details soon. So far here is one song rumored to add it to that mode: 1/6 out of the gravity/Vocaloid-P Want a free Limited Edition AR Card? Get it here: (Right-click>Save Image As...) Spoiler
Here are some screens from Famitsu. A lot of good things this week, I'm in love with the tow new modules for Rin and Len !
I checked the tags for other songs that got in F... I don't know where or when, but it seems that E Aa Sou, Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya, What Do You Mean, Monochrome Blue Sky, and MEGANE were all confirmed to be in the game at some point.
So I just noticed World Is Mine got added to the list of songs available for AR Live mode did we ever get a number on how many AR Live songs there would be?