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Question Acquired PD:FT cabinet, where to start in terms of software...

Discussion in 'Project DIVA Arcade & Arcade Future Tone' started by jermz0r, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. jermz0r

    jermz0r Welcome to DIVA!

    Aug 23, 2021
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    #1 jermz0r, Aug 23, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
    [​IMG] Welp I'm very new, I got this cabinet and I'm not very sure where to start.
    I've seen some posts on here where people have indeed got things working.

    I would like to know if it's possible to utilize the original hardware (which this Sega Nu System seems to look just like a PC) to get this thing running offline.

    Any help or direction would be appreciated.

    So far I understand that keeping the original motherboard might not be the best idea? (not sure why at all).
    There's a custom PCI-E card that came installed, could I theoretically move that to another motherboard?, if yes is there a driver I should use?

    N10248 likes this.
  2. N10248

    N10248 Advanced Player

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Yay, welcome to the club! It is possible to get the original hardware running, especially if you were lucky enough to get a keychip with your cabinet (very rare). If not you would have to do a bit of hacking to get the game to play ball, the Nu is mostly a regular PC but has a number of anti-tamper security measures in place that if provoked can brick the system or add extra problems.

    I took a different route though of swapping out the motherboard for a normal gaming one and used regular windows with the rip of the game. I've documented what I done with mine here... https://projectdiva.net/community/threads/i-bought-a-project-diva-arcade-future-tone-cabinet.2307/

    Looks like you got one that had the printer option available, which was a short lived feature not found on many cabs
  3. jermz0r

    jermz0r Welcome to DIVA!

    Aug 23, 2021
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    Can I still message you?

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