hello, i just bought my first ever hand held(vita slim) cause i wanted to play project diva ;d my psn is : stratoside nice to meet you all
PSN: Wdog-999 I don't play online MP much on anything unless it's necessary for some trophies, but I'm up to chat about stuff via text or, provided I have the game, possibly boost trophies with you, especially if I need the trophies as well. Just make sure to announce where you came from and your intentions if any when you send a friend request. I don't appreciate blank friend requests.
Gamertag? In that case, here's mine. PSN Name: Mullet345 If you want to, feel free to add me to your friendlist.
Oops I forgot to post my GT. PSN > nofutur000 360 > nofutur000 Feel free to add me if you wanna burst zombies.