I'm asking this again because no one ever answered the first time but does anyone know if you can listen to off vocals on this game? Most diva games have the option but I'm not sure if this one does!
yeah just go into practice mode and don't hit any notes or turn on no fail mode if you want to see the pv with a bunch of notes flying around
Here's a fun fact, I don't remember if it applies to the f games or not but if you set the options to 'don't sing' when you miss a note, the module will close their mouth when you miss a note. I noticed this when playing safe mode like how scarf suggested above.
Ugh I realized something at the current #1 in Sebonzakura -F Edition- Extreme. http://miku.sega.jp/arcade/ranking/ranking_sbzf_extreme.html This is the official Arcade ranking for Extreme. If you look in the PS4 Edition at the current placed #1, you will notice ... that person actually overbeats the arcade #1 by a lot, which is just crazy. Because first, you need 0F and hit early/delay every single hold as long as possible without getting FINE. Like what the hell, is there anyone who else would be able to do that? haha. Just too OP, lol.
Of course not, but I guess the fact the arcade Future tone cabinet offers only 4 buttons and a slide touch pad doesn't allow you to have 0 fine ... you can use the DS4 to make better score.
You don't really need to get 0 fines to be #1 for both arcade and ps4 This person currently has the high score for snow white princess on both versions (this person actually has a lot of high scores) And now here's the arcade high score http://miku.sega.jp/arcade/ranking/ranking_sryk_extreme.html I looked it up and in this case the arcade high score would be #3 overall It's a lot easier to find out which hold notes are worth keeping on the ps4 than it is on the arcade.
the timing in this game is more precise than ever, there is 2 types of cools you can do when you start and finish any hold note. There is an early cool and a late cool input. this is why you can have 10 scores with 0f and they all vary in scores despite doing macro holds to gurantee each hold lasts as long as possible. Of course this strategy doesnt work if the particular hold note will reach maximum hold but there are many hold notes that never reach maximum hold points therefore even the miliseconds u save between starting and ending cool notes early or late max up that difference in the holds that get broken inbetween combos. It is also not always the best score to get all cools, as proven with meltdown exex, First I did 1f all holds, barely beating the previous #1 who had 3f but better holds due to timing his cools better than my cools. then he did 0f and beat my scores by A lot due to almost perfect timing with starting all holds with the early cools and breaking them with late cools. Then hyodo one up him by quite a bit with 2f due to 2 instances with multi holds where purposly breaking the holds with a late Fine is more points than a late cool. and then he got one up by this other japanese player who used the same strategy but again did better timings with early and late cools/fines with the holds. its a combination of that and the macro holds to ensure maxium hold time versus human reaction on the arcade pad to let go of the buttons manually that ps4 high scores have an advantage over acade hi scores. that and they dont have to pay 100 yen for 2 plays every time hah
True, but in the case of Senbonzakura -F Edition- PS4 edition the #1 ranker has 100% a 0F clear, because I did some researches bout Arcade players having all used Hold Strategies and 0F clear (thanks nicovideo, haha). And yet, their score is lower than the PS4 by bout 100-200 points, which means, it is the HOLD that make a score happen. It is going to be hard to keep up against japanese people haha.
hey, i just wanted to ask if someone knows something about new dlc content. i know sega said something about every 2-3 months and now that project x is released i guess they probably won't do any future tone dlc for now. maybe someone knows when to expect.
I'm following japanese thread about it but we have nothing for now. I really hope new DLC pack asap ... 224 tracks were not enough ;P
oh yes i know :P that's why i'm totally waiting for it. well, i hope that something will be released next month at least.
I'm surprised no ones heard! DLC has been confirmed for the first of September for like a week. The first batch will have Shake It, Cendrillion/Adolescence, and Age Age Again. Naturally this includes thier respective modules and Supreme Miku and M.S.J. Teto.
The song Deep Sea Girl, was that one added in to FT as the first song from Mirai? Or was it added before Project Mirai came out? Hard to tell since the PV used is completely different from the PV used in Mirai DX.
Yeah when the arcade PV for deep sea girl came out Mirai had no PV for deep sea girl they were using the original PV.